Chapter 37

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Amelia's (The one who is possesed by Chaos) POV:

Its been years. Its been years since this demon was out of my body. I have barely eat and drink and sleep aswell. Even when Chaos was keeping up my energy I felt weak. Even when I was the weakest in the Blue rebillion, I was even weaker right now. I didnt wanted all fo this. I was being forced to and being locked into my own mind without getting out.

Everyone hated me. They didnt knew that I was being controlled butI didnt wanted them to hate me. My Friends. Mostly Sonic. He must be sooo angry at me. I mean I actually killed so many people even when I didnt wanted to. So much blood caused by my mistake. Its my fault. Its all my fault.

"...Because when you destroy me in this also destroy her." I was shocked. I didnt wanted to die. Atleast not before I would tell Sonic something very important. Even when I was locked in my brain I could still see the things that chaos saw so I saw that Sonic was right there, with a worrying look on his face and in a fight stance. He wouldnt kill me, right? Well, if he would it I knew it was the right thing. And beside hims was other me? Did I missed something. Oh yeah I did because Im stuck into my own DAMN Body!

The only thing I saw that they were charching at each other, some were screaming in pain while the others were screaming in anger. When they hit Chaos it hurts me too so it was quite painfull. But I could see that Sonic's normally royal blue fur suddendly turned a bit darker and sadly I knew what that meant. Dark Sonic was coming out. With every hit my body gave him, he turned even darker.

"Awww. How cute. He is turning dark to rescue you worthless thing!" I heard Chaos'voice in my head. That was the only way he could communicate with me since I was still locked in the body he used. So if you think of it Im kindof his thoughts.

"You're gonna pay for everything you did!"

"I dont think so, dear. Cause I will kill him." I was shocked. He cant kill him! Not under my watch! Its my body and my mind and nobody kills MY Sonikku when Im there! My body, My mind! My mind, my Control. Thats it! I just have to fight him by myself, even when it kills me.

"You wont, cause I will kill you first."  That was the last thing I would ever say to this demon before I fully destroy him. He starts to threat MY Sonikku, I will ripp his head off! Wait, my head. Ok, Im confused. Can I even rip his head off when he isnt in my body? Well, only one way to find out.

I had to use all my energie that was left. I had to be strong for atleast one time. I had to get him out of my body. This was my body. I was Amelia Rosette, the girl that adored her best friend Sonic The Hedgehog her whole life long and now was it my chance to finally pay all the times he rescued me back.

Within three minutes where the others were distracting him I could feel my hand again. I could move my fingers and could ball them into a fist. I think Chaose noticed it cause he was fighting back this time.

WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!  I didnt answered, just kept on struggling till I could move my whole arm. It felt so good to have finally my control over my body back. Its been years too since I was able to and I felt so much more energie.

I moved my arm up to my own face to punch it even when it hurted me aswell. I knew I had strength because I could fight with my hammer but that I could punch someone as hard as that, and even myself! I could see that the others, included my clone, was looking confused as me and Chaos landed on the ground punching each other even when it was kinda stupid since we were in the same body. But I have a bigger brain!

"Amy is fighting Chaos!" I could hear myself shouting with proud making me smirk in my mind. I was even stronger than I thought, I just needed to let my strength go so I could use it to fight. I kept punching and punching, hurting me aswell, but causing me to feel one of my legs, helping me to kick my knee into my stomach, making me and Chaos groan in pain. Maybe he was a demon, but I was a rose with thorns!

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