Chapter 21

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Sonic's POV:

"Uh oh..." We saw so many rubins, crystals and other stuff that looked like a emerald in this room. I looked at Tails who seemed frustrated like the others. One of Amy's guairds stepped forward but got stopped as he reached out for one of them.

"Stop...There are traps everywhere. We have to look for the right one. And remember: A real emerald has 6 edges!" called Cream as we all looked for a emerald with 6 edges. It was like your looking for a needle in a haystack. Suddendly we heard voices coming from another room.

"Do you really think this is a good idea, sis?" I heard a voice and paniced. What if we get arrested.

"Everybody quiet!!" I whisper-yelled to all of them and they looked at me confused.

"Well, do you want to be rich or poor?!" asked a other female voice. I heard them coming to our direction.

"I-i-i dont know..." I heard the footsteps only a few inches away. Everybody looked scared and I just got near Amy to be sure she is safe. Even when she hates me she cant stop me from protecting her.

Then we saw the persons. Two Hedgehog girls were coming in. We stared at them while they stared at us.

"Uhhh....ok, thats akward." said the Black and red Hedgehog who looked like a version of Shadow just as female. The other Hedgehog was pink like Amy but had purple quills too and had a scar on her face and hid behind the black one.

"Who are you?" asked Amy and went near them. They only backed away a little bit.

"Woah, woah! We dont want any trouble! W-w-we just uhhh....." The pinky one tried to explain but Amy reached out her hand to shake it.

"Amy, Amy Rose. Leader of the Black Rose clan." She greeted them with a smile and I could tell that they were still confused.

"Wow, that was the first time we got greeted so nice as we stole something." chuckled the black one and got elbowed in the side by the other Hedgehog. "My names Emi, and that shy girl here is Kathy." She said and shaked back.

"Nice to meet you but may I ask what you were trying to steal?" Amy asked and I went near her just in case if they were working for Mephiles or Eggbutt.

"Ehhh....Just some stuff...." Emi said and hid something behind her back. "But why are you all here?" She asked us back.

"We look for the seven chaos emeralds to destroy Mephiles!" I hit Manics head as he said it to them. Then Kathy suddendly jumped up.

"MEPHILES?! UGH!! I hate this demon! If I see him again I will kick him back to Timbuktu!" We all stared at her as she began to yell bad words at us and got angry.

"Is she ok?" asked Sally while holding her laughter.

"Yeah, she just had a not so good experience with Mephiles." tried Emi to say.

"Are you two sisters?" asked Sonia and Kathy nodded along with the other female beside her.

"Yeah, we are twins." They said in union and we chuckled. I know this feeling when your sibling is talking the same as you. It can be stupid but funny.

"Well, it was nice to talk with you guys, but we really need to get the diamonds and get out of here." told Emi and began to walk to the diamonds and other stuff like that. Kathy was walking behind her and kept her eyes on CHed who smirked to her and made her blush.

We watched them as they packed a lot of them in their bag Emi was holding. There were so many: Red, green, yellow and suddendly they held a blue one in their hand with 6 edges. My eyes widened and Amy tried to snatch it away.

"Hey! That is ours! We saw it first!" Emi protested and glared at us.

"But we need it!" I said and they looked at me.

"Why that? Its just a diamond! You can grab any other!" Emi said and crossed her arms while playing with the emerald in her hand.

"But that is a chaos emerald! We told you we need them to destroy Mephiles!" Cream tried to explain and Kathy suddendly looked at us with anger.

"Mephiles? Oh man, Give them the emerald!" Kathy said to her sister and snatched the emrald out of her hand. "Can we get along?" she asked Amy. "I want to help kick his eyes out of his head." Amy smirked to her what gave shivers down my spine.

"Alright, you can come but you have to work for me." Amy said and wanted to shake their hands again. Kathy shaked back but Emi was unsure.

"Ugh...Fine, but only because Kathy is coming along." She said annoyed and shaked hands with Amy and after that she gave us the Emerald.

Now, we not only got a other emerald we also got two new friends and fellows. Well, we have two emeralds and only 5 to go.

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