Chapter 26

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Amy's POV:

My eyes widened. We were in a different dimension?! No wonder why Cream was acting like that. I looked to my friends who looked at me as if they were going to die.

"But how did they get here?" asked Mephiles Cream who had her hand on her chin.

"There could be many reasons: Maybe they were falling into a tornado? Is that what happened?" She asked and I shook my head. "Did someone sent you here?" She asked me shy again and I pointed to Mephiles.

"HE sent us here!" I yelled to him and he was hiding again. I like our Mephiles better.

"So it seems like Mephiles is Bad in your dimension." Cream suggested and we all nodded our heads. We all looked at Kathy as she screamed even more. "We talk later. First of all I will heal her." Meant Cream and Ched followed her out of the tent. Mina, Rouge and Sonia stood beside me as Someone entered. It was....SONIC?! I would actually run up to him and see if he was okay but 1. He is a Sonic I dont know and 2. Im angry at Sonic remember?

"WOAH!! What is SHE doing here!" I rolled my eyes at him. What is so wrong about myself in this dimension?!

"Calm down, Sonic! She is friendly!" meant Mephiles and stopped Sonic from attacking me.

"Friendly?! How can she be friendly?!" Ok, I want to know what I am here or Im gonna throw up. "And how do you get in here Sonia?! I just saw you outside?!" He asked shocked and pointed to a Sonia. This Sonic was very rude!

"We are from another Dimension, slow brain!" I hissed at him and he glared at me.

"I doesnt seems like it because you are still as arrogant as ever!" My eyes widened. I wasnt used to that Sonic would say something like that to me. I just stood there with a frown on my face. Sonia hugged me waist and I actually wanted to slap her hand away but I needed it right now.

"Sonic! I said Calm down!" hissed Mephiles and he finally shut up!

"Excuse me?" I asked and they looked at me. Sonic looked at me shocked and Mephiles smiled at me. This was so weird! "I have a question: Why is everybody afraid of me?" I asked and Mephiles sighed.

"You told us I was the villian in your dimension, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, here, you are the villian." My eyes widened. That means everything that Mephiles did in our dimension, I did it here?! OMG! I would never do such things!

"Could you tell us more?" I asked and he nodded. Sonia was still beside me and Rouge stood behind me.

"Well, as you already know I am the leader of the Blue Rebellion." I growled at the terrible name and at the thought that I wasnt the leader here. "And Amelia, well, you, were once a very nice and heartful girl." I looked over to Sonic who was blushing madly, who knows why. "Then, after your parents and sister died you were heartbroken." Its almost like me, I mean the Heartbreaking part. "Out of revenge you killed the king and queen and even the Baby princess." I did...WHAT?!

"Amy would never do this!" meant Sonia and I kind of smiled at her. She was so kind of me. Even if she was Sonic's sister I could still like her, right? She was always my friend!

"Well, she did. Then you forced the half kingdom to pay unbelievable bills and almost all of the people are poor now. We tried to talk to you but she tried to kill us many times. Because of that Cream's mother died." This was even worse! In our world Mephiles killed cream's mother!

"Cream is my best friend! Oh, if I get that rodent of a bad version of me between my fingers!" I growled.

"Ok, I think I told everything. Now I think we should see after your friend." We nodded and followed them to Kathy.

With the others:

Narrator's POV:

Mephiles disappeared after he said that. Sonic stood there in completly shock. Amy...was gone...Where could she be? And what about his sister? He felt a small tear falling down his cheeks. He had to tell the others first and then he look for them, even if it would take years. He has lost Amy one time and he wont do this mistake ever again. As he went outside everyone looked at him. cream ran up to him with worried eyes.

"Where is Amy?! Is she ok?!" She asked. Sonic sighed sadly. "She isnt...dead, is she?" Cream felt now tears falling down her cheeks. What if her sister was really dead?! She couldnt handle that!

"I dont know...Mephiles sent them somewhere..." He said and looked down to his shoes. He couldnt handle to look at his friends. He was too slow. For the second time of Sonic The Hedgehog's life he was too slow.

"What?! And where?!" asked Tails shocked while Sonic shrugged and shutting his eyes so no tears would coming out.

"I really dont know, ok?!" He was the one to protect Amy! He promised himself to never let her down again but he broke it! Maybe it was the last time he would ever see her again and she hated him. This wasnt the best good bye...

"Oh boy! First this fat man took my ice Cream and now this!" groaned Knuckles as Sonic glared at him. Sometimes Sonic asked himself how Knuckles even got in the team.

While Sonic was thinking that this all was his fault, Cream was doing the same thing. She just sat at a rock and thought how she could allow all this? She tried to figure out where Amy was. She had secretly put a tracking device at Amys clothes just to be sure, but she couldnt find her. Tails saw her and walked up to her.

"What are you doing?" He asked her as she groaned as the machine said Search failed.

"Im trying to find my sister!" she said with tears in her eyes and almost sobbing.

"You really miss her, huh?" He asked her while fiddling with his fingers, not lnowing what to say.

"Of course! We made everything together! And one moment I left her she is no where to find!" She cried out and sobbed.

"You didnt left her. She wanted you to go. There is a clear difference!" He said what made Cream laugh a bit.

He is really sweet!, she tought to herself while still trying to find Amy.

"Maybe you should rest first. We will find them. I promise." suggested Tails but Cream shook her.

"Im not going to sleep till I found her!" she protested as Tails smiled.

If this isnt real Friendship!, he thought and walked away back to Sonic as he had a giant blush upon his face. Sonic was still depressed.

"I'll find matter what..."


Heyy guys! I know the chapters arent as great as the first ones but i try my best! With my broken arm and so many test I have to do, this is stressing me!

And thats the reason I need your help! You can help me for the story! You can send me ideas I could in the storys and when I think its great it will appear in the story. But I think every idea is great when you really think about it.

So, just send me a message with your ideas and just be creativ!

I love ya all and have a great week!


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