Chapter 2

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Sonic's POV:

My name is Sonic The Hegdehog, hero of mobius and boyfriend of the famous princess Sally Acorn. And I was with her right now. We celebrated the The 60 anniversary of the Freedome FIghters but one person was not there. So I pulled away from my and Sally's kiss and looked at her confused.

"Sally? Where is Amy actually?" I asked her and she began to purr in my chest as I oulled away to look at her eyes again.

"Who?" she asked and I looked at her almost angry. Amy was one of the most important things in my life.

"Amy! My best friend! The best hammer-swinger of the world!" I whisper-yelled at her and she just shrugged.

"I dont think I heard of her!" Then I realized. Maybe because Sally Amy isnt here. 

"Sally? Did you invite amy anyway?" I asked sternly and she turned her back at me. I tried to turn her but she slapped my hand away.

"Why should I, I didnt even heard of her!" I went angry. Of course she heard about Amy! They were together on a mission where Amy got hurt and Amy just get her to Tails and then never mention that ever again. Oh, now I understand. She hates Amy!

"Sally! Why dont you like Amy?" I asked and crossed my arms. I never noticed something that I didnt liked at Amy. She was sweet and kind and smiled everytimeExcept at the moments where nobody except me notices her. Wait, does that mean that nobody likes Ames?

"Why do you care so much about her?! Do you like her?!" My cheecks turned red at some kind of reason. I felt my heart stop at the thought of Amy. I never felt like this around Sally. "What?! Is it true?!" I couldnt say a word until she slapped me. "I knew it! You selfish Hedgehog! You used me to make this rat jealous!" I never said something like this, did I? I held my cheek where she slapped me and looked at her confused. I never saw Sally acting like this.

"No!" I told her adn looked angry at her. Her cheeks began to tear up but I actually didnt cared much.

"You lie! We are through!" She yelled and runned out of the celebration. Everyone in the room was looking at us and Tails came over to me.

"And that was a homerun!" He told me playfully and I looked at him a bit laughing. I mean, I really liked Sally but I felt like I never loved her truly. She is a great friend but she isnt as kind as Amy. I didnt wanted to run to look for Sally, no, I had thought about what she said.

"Why do you care so much about her?! Do you like her?!"

Do I like her? I have spend a lot of time with her lately and I love to be around her. With Sally isnt is as funny as with Amy. I blushed whenever I thought of her and my heart was warm around her.

Feace it, you like her. No, you love her. Me, Sonic The Hedgehog, is in love with Amy Rose, the two year-younger pink Hedgehog with this cute red dress that she wears everyday. I finally realize. I have to see her. I have to see her face and lips. She was more important than Sally ever was for me.

"Sorry, Bud, I have to see someone!" I told him as I dashed out of his workshop and I heard that the music was on again. And in one second I was at her pink house with the flowers around her windows. It was dark in her house and I knocked two times. As I knocked the third time the door opened lightly. The door was unlocked? Amy always locks her door because she is a bit afarid in the dark  but this is actually very cute.

I grabbed the knob and opened the door slowly with a bit of excitment. As I entered the corridor I didnt saw anything. It was dark and I began to look for Amy.

"Amy?!" I screamed but the only thing I heard was my own echo. I looked in every room but to my surprise everything was away. All her things werent there anymore and all her food wasnt there anymore. I was worried that something happened to Amy. I had one thought in mind and I rushed quickly to her room to see if I was right. And, yes, sadly I was right. Nothing was there anymore.

No.....Amy.....she cant.....she cant be....


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