Chapter 40

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At the Rosetal Kingdom:

Narrator's POV:

The king was worried. He already send his wife and son to hide somewhere safe where Mephiles cant find them. He hasnt heard of Amy yet and that wasnt a good sign. If she wasnt there anytime soon then the kingdom would be ruined! Many monsters already attacked the kingdom and killed people and that wasnt that good because the guairds were part of them.

The king was so busy with thinking about what to do, that he didnt really noticed that someone came into his throneroom, laughing evilly. Mephiles went up to the King who finally saw who was coming towards him. The king couldnt call his guairds because Mephiles killed all of them, nobody knows how but he did.

"Hello, my king. Long time no see." Mephiles went up to the king and took his chin while the king sweated, feared of death and afraid of his wife and son. He couldnt leave them alone. Not now, not ever.

"W-w-what do you want? The Throne? The Crown? The Kingdom? You'll never get any of this and no one will ever respect you as a king! So give up!" The king knew that Mephiles wouldnt back down because of a stupid announcment. Mephiles chuckled darkly and got behind the throen where king sat.

"You really think I give up that easily? Heh, guessed wrong. GUAIRDS?! BRING HIM IN ONE OF MY CELLS!!!" The king was kinda confused until he saw all his dead guairds walking in like Zombies since they were Zombies.

"You will never get through with this! TRAITOR!!" screamed the king while being pulled out of the Throne Room and being locked into a dark, dark, DARK Cell down in the basement.

With Our Heros:

Amy's POV:

We had to get back to Rosetal as fast as we can. I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen, or already did happened. But the problem was that we had to walk two weeks till we were there and till that time, the kingdom will be destroyed.

"WAIT!! WHERE IS EMI?!" screamed Kathy who was still being carried by Ched who had to cover his ears because of her screams. We all looked around and I shrugged. "I was so worried about her as she was with you here." She said as my eyes widened.

"What? We thought she was with you in the other dimension?" I was gasping along with everyone else but the loudest was Kathy.

"Oh no..." she whispered to herself while we all looked at her confused. Does she knows something that we dont?

With Mephiles and Emi:

Emi's POV:

Ive been here for days. They've been ripping my clothes, what I think is very pervertic if you ask me, they've slapped and punched me, causing me to have blood everywhere and they locked me away aslong as they didnt harassed me.

"How is it going Rodent?" I wasnt really able to answer Eggman since my mouth was full with blood. "Good as always I see, HO HO HO HO!!" It wasnt even funny, fat guy. Besides, nothing is funny for me, not anymore, not until my sister saved me.

"Sir? The king (Mephiles) wants to speak with you, right now." one of the dead guairds who looks kinda attractive for a dead person, and Eggman began to groan.

"This big Looser isnt anything near a king!" I heard him muble what made me smirk. They will fight against each other, I can feel it. I mean, anyone can see that Eggman wants to destroy Mephiles and mephiles wants to destroy Eggman. Heh, pathetic. "Watch over that rat while Im gone, will ya?" The guard nodded at him before Eggman went out. The guard turned to me, while he had a few wholes in his body which looked disgusting. Suddendly he began to run over to me and I thought he was gonna kill me because he pointed his sword at me. But no, he cutted my handcuffs and opened them, so I took my wrist in my other hands, trying to get a feeling in them agai. My wrists were red, and my feets aswell and they hurted so much.

"Im gonna get you outta here! QUICK!!" I didnt knew what he was doing or if he was gonna betray me but it was my only way to get out of here. He ran out of the cell as I followed him, a bit slower because I felt weak. We reached the entrance where the other guards stood and we just ran past them, they didnt followed us, just focused on the other prisoners. I felt bad for them but I had to get out first and get the other before I could get them out of there.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked him as we walked beside each other, going out of the castle as I was blinded by the sun since I wasnt used to it.

"Do you think I wanted to be a Zombie in the first place? I didnt wanted to die and they locked the king in a cell in the basement aswell! My king! I will do anything to bring my kingdom peace again!" He complained and balled as fist as I looked at him. "But how will you know to get back to your friends?" He asked me worried even when he didnt had to. I mean, Kathy is my twin! We have a connection like no other. I guess, I will find them.

"Dont you worry about that. Get back before anyone see you. and thanks for everything." I said and shaked his disgusting hand and slowly began to walk away because my legs felt heavy. Maybe because I lost too much blood. But I couldnt rest now. I had to find the others and warn them....

....Before its too late....

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