Chapter 35

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Hey Guys! Please Read this! I was so lazy the last few days and my arm is so much better and after I was on the toilet a idea of a new story came in my mind. Yes, on the toilet. I have made a Trailer for you to look if you want me to write that story or not. The story is called "Wonder (Sonamy Story)". Please read the Trailer and here is the new chapter of this story!

Sonic's POV:

"Do you guys see anything?" I asked my team who just shaked their heads. Sighing, I began to look again even when my feet hurted. We had looked for hours and hours but couldnt see even a singel sign of this stupid emeralds.

"Did you seen these beautiful emeralds over there! I would die if I could buy them!" squealed a purple hawk in a very expensive dress, pointing to a corner where so much people were standing. My ears perked up as I grabbed Tails by his arm, dragging him where this people stood.

"Whats your problem?" He asked me while I still pushed him as we were standing in the crowd, dragging us through to get a view. These two Ladies were right. There were all there and you could see everyones eyes shining at the sight of this. "How are we supposed to get them when so much people are around?" He asked as I began to think.

"OH MY GOD! BEYONCÉ IS GIVING A CONERT LIVE HERE ON THE BEACH?! AND THERE ARENT THAT MUCH TICKETS ANYMORE?!" I screamed in their direction as all their heads shot up and the girls and boys began to scream and dragging out of the exhibition to get to the beach. Some were acting like wild monkeys as I gave Tails a High Five with a chuckle. "People these days...Believe everything they hear!"

We walked up to them and we quickly grabbed all four of them and wanted to get the others but suddendly heard a yell behind me.

"HEY!! THIEFS!!! GET THEM!!" We heard a male screaming behind as we only looked at each other and began to run for our lifes. We heard a lot of crazy people running behind us and chasing us as we ran past our friends who had confused looks on their faces. "STOP THESE THIEFS!!" I think now they understood why we were running away and they quickly followed us.

"How are we supposed to get them off our Tails?!" Tails asked me while panting and very scared.

"I DONT KNOW!! THINK FOR YOURSELF!!" I yelled at him in anger cause he always asked me what to do. I just contuined to run away and didnt noticed that Sally was glaring at me...again.

Suddendly I remembered one of Tails' inventions he gave me if I needed it. It was perfect for this moment. Its actually the only thing where I know how it works from all of his inventions. I wasnt very listening when he told me hwo everything worked, I was a hero, not a student that needed extra classes!

I took out one of these Balls and threw one of them in the direction of the angry pack and in no time, this ball popped out and a lot of gas came out what caused the people to cough and they couldnt see us anymore.



I chuckled a bit as we all ran into a alley where they shouldnt search us since they are so fancy. I was laughing along with Tails and Knuckles and tried not to drop the emeralds because I had to held my stomach because that laughing really hurts. I felt someone grabbing the emeralds out of my hand which caused me to stop laughing and I looked at the person who was all red in the face.

"ARE YOU CRAZY, SONIC?! WE COULD GET OUT EASILY AND YOU LET US GETTING CHASING BY THIS PEOPLE?! I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE GREATEST HERO IN MOBIUS!!" She yelled at me with a twitching eye what got me really mad. Who does she think she is?! Oh right, she is a princess.

"Now listen here! Im sick of you! All you do is yelling at us when anything is going wrong! You are called a princess and a princess shouldnt be so rude to everyone the whole time! Nobody is perfect...OH NO!! I FORGOT THAT THE GREAT SALLY ACORN IS THE MOST PERFECT PERSON ON EARTH!!! WHY COULDNT I SEE THAT?! SHE IS ALWAYS SO NICE TO OTHER PEOPLE THAT I COULD THROW UP!!" I yelled at her waving my hands in the air with a red face aswell. Well, she broke the ice so she has to live with the consequences! Everybody seemed a bit shocked but me and Sally havent been acting any different the last few days.

"I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO A USELESS HERO WHO EATS HUNDRED OF CHILLIDOGS EACH DAY!! OR A HERO THAT COULDNT EVEN LET THE GIRL HE LOVES STAY!! AM I NOT RIGHT ABOUT THAT, SONIC?! AMY LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU!! AND SHE WONT EVER LOVE YOU BACK!!" Now everyone gasped. I guess Manic didnt even knew that I was in Love with Amy because he was shocked the most. I felt two tears rolling down my cheeks. "S-s-sonic...I didnt meant it like that...Im so so so so sorry!" begged sally as I turned around, not daring to look into that stupid chipmunk face right now.

"I actually want to leave this team right now but we have to save our planet, so I beg you...keep your damn mouth shut as long as we are saving the world..." I hissed at her as she looked at me sadly as I turned around again, walking away, trying to find a place to get this suit off.

And right after I did that, I felt much better...


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