Chapter 7

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Sonic's POV:

"TAILS! LOOK OUT!!" I screamed and tried to warn him but he wouldnt stop looking at me.

"I wont fall for it again, Sonic!" I grabbed his head and turned it to let him look where he was flying. He screamed as he saw a giant tree infront of us and tried to turn to the left but it was too late. We crashed in the tree and the plane began to fall.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!" Everyone was yelling and screaming for help but suddendly everything went black....

  ~Half an hour later~

?????'s POV:

 Me and my Team were in the woods to look for material for our newest machines. Since Mephiles got help from this Eggman we have to make stronger robots and weapons to have atleast a little chance to survive. In the last years we lost so many of us. Even my mother...

Anyway, We had split so I was together with Nebula, one of our best guards.

AS we entered the dark part of the woods I heard Peng screaming. "WE NEED HELP!!" Me and Nebula looked at each other worried as we began to run to find the green Rabbit.

As we saw him we saw many uncious people laying beside a crashing plane. We decided to bring them in our camp to heal them. So I took a orange two-tailed fox, which I found very cute, and a older brown Rabbit like me. Nebula took a red-black Hedgehog and a red Echidna while Peng and Ched took a blue Hedgehog and a Yellow Mongoose.

I hope they didnt crashed because of one of Mephiles Monstern because that could mean that we are in big trouble. Many of our guards got injured and they need atleats one month to have strength again.

I always hoped that we could have a future without trouble since my mother died. I can still remember why she died. It was a big one-eyed Monster and I wanted to have revenge since that day. To my luck my best friend came back at that time. She can always make me happy even when she is a bit grumpier since she came back.

Nebula is still the same purple Hedgehog I knew since my birth. She was always not the girly-girl and was a really hard fighter. I can still feel the pain on my back as she practiced fighting with me. I laid three months in the hospital tent!

Anyway, We were in The R.R. (You will know soon what that means)and flew with all the people back to our camp.

"Do you think she will kill us?" Nebula asked me with a smile and I chuckled. Our leader told us to never bring strangers in the camp again since the last time it was in flames. I shrugged at her.

"But hey! She is my best friend! She cant stay angry at me that long!" I told her and she just nodded before we landed back to where our home was.


I know, it wasnt that long either but I try my best! And Nebula is The OC from GothNebula! She is a very good writer and I began to write too after I read her storys! So I would like you to read hers too! Peng and Ched are my OC's.

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