Chapter 24

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Sonic's POV:

I was about to nosebleed. Amy looked even more sexier than before. As the girls walked in we boys followed with goofy smiles on our faces.

As we were insied I wanted to go outside. Everywhere you look were girls who were only in her BHs and boys who were making out with them. Some were playing poker and other games and in another room was a stage with some girls who stripped.

"See? I told you Im too young to be here!" whined Kathy and I looked around. I had a bad feeling.

"Ok guys. We gotta focus! Wait, where is Manic?" asked Cream and we all looked around. Nebula spotted him in a corner flirting with a girl and she pulled him to us.

"No! WAIT!! CALL ME!!" He screamed to her and we all groaned. I was ashamed to be his brother. Very ashamed.

"Anyway, we are gonna split. You gotta look at every game price, every hand and everywhere you can look. I located two emeralds here!" explained Cream and we nodded. I went with Knuckles and Tails. I was unsure to let Amy alone here with all the perverts. I mean, she was the sexiest of all of them!

And after two steps there was a girl already flirting with me. She said that she thinks Im sexy. But well, you know what I said? I said Im taken. I saw Knuckles and Tails laughing behidn my back.

Then as I turned around again I saw something shining in my eyes. My eyes widened. I saw the yellow emerald at the poker game and some guys trying to win it. Some woman were staring at it. And without thinking I rushed over in super sonic speed and grabbed it. I saw the people who sat at the table looking for it. I smirked at Knuckles and Tails who looked at me with shaking heads. I didnt what their problem was. I had the emerald!

Amy's POV:

I really wanted to go out. I saw so many perverted guys looking at me up and down. I think Rouge loved it because she walks up to some of them and swings her butt infront of them.

"Amy, is something wrong?" asked Cream as she took my arm and we walked together.

"This place is disgusting. Actually, Rouge is disgusting!" I told her and pointed to Rouge who danced with a boy.

"Let her do whatever she wants to do. We need to find the emeralds!" I smiled to Cream and walked a bit forward. But right after I turned around I heard someone screaming and I turned around again. But Cream wasnt there.

"Cream? Where are you?" I looked around but couldnt spot her. She must have split with me, I thought and shrugged. I looked around again.

I saw something shining in my eyes. I saw the green emerald in the hand of a guy who was dancing together with three other girls. Even when I hated it I had to flirt with him. I rushed over, pushed the other girls aside and slowly danced towards him. He seemed to be shocked first but smirked at me fast.

"Oh! Someones want to have fun, huh?" He asked me with a dirty voice. I actually wanted to punch him in the face but I couldnt. I made a fake smirk and got more near him. I was ony a few inches away from his body.

"Always, Baby!" I said in my dirtiest voice I had and he seemed to be turned on. "Pervert..." I mumbled without him hearing. Finally, I was at his body dancing with him. I moved my hand to his hand but found nothing. I moved to the other hand and finally touched it. Without waiting I grabbed it and runned away. I guess he didnt even noticed that I took it because he was already dancing with another girl. I saw everyone standing at the entrance. I runned up to them and showed them the emerald.

"Great! We have them both! How did you get it?" asked Sonic and I looked away.

"I dont wanna talk about it." I said and looked at everyone Something was missing. "Hey, where is Cream?" I asked them.

"We thought she was with you?" asked Sonia confused and I shaked my head.

"She was, but she left!" I told them and I saw Tails almost screaming. Yep, he had a crush on her.

"Oh~ You looking for her?" We all turned around in shock as we heard the dark voice coming from behind us. I was shocked. There was standing Mephiles with Cream in his arms and Eggman standing beside them. Mephiles was holding Cream's chin while she struggled to get out of his grip.

"How did you find us?!" I asked angry, holding my hammer in my one hand.

"Oh, why dont you ask you pink friend over there?" He pointed to Kathy who looked confused and shocked at the same time.

"What are you talking about?!" she asked him with anger all written over her face. He then rushed over to her and grabbed her wrist. He pointed to a simple scratch on her arm.

"Your and my blood are the same. I can see everything you can see. I can feel everything you can feel. I even can control you, dear." My eyes widened. Everybody looked at Kathy. "And now give me the emeralds." He said to us with ease. I held the emerald in my hands tight. I went near Mephiles without him noticing.

I tackled him to the ground so he let go of Cream. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up but I tackled him again.

"Get away with the emeralds!" I screamed and threw the emerald in my hand to Cream. After she catched it she looked at me with shocked eyes. "NOW!! THATS A ORDER!!" I screamed and she nodded. She and some of the guys went out. Sonic went out aswell but Nebula and Ched stayed with me. I saw Kathy, Mina, Rouge and Sonia there aswell. How could they not listen to me?!

Mephiles finally pushed me away and I crashed to the wall. Nebula helped me up while the others fighted Mephiles. Everybody in the casino looked at us with shock and some had eyes full with excitment.

"EVERYBODY OUT!!!" I yelled and the most of them screamed and runned out while the others were still watching us. "Why is nobody listening to me today?!" I asked myself as I tried to stand up.

Mephiles blasted a powerball at my friends and the most of them dodged it but the ones who didnt dodgesd it flew at the wall next to me. As Kathy runned to him with a sword in her hand, who knows where she got that, he mumbled something.

"Now they are all near,
Let them all dissapear,
I see them all at my gaze,
send them to a different place!"

After he said that and before Kathy could hit him, the only thing I could see was light.

Sonic's POV:

We waited outside for the others to come out. I was a idiot. I shouldnt have let them alone in there. Especially Amy. What if she gets hurt? What if she dies? I couldnt let that happen! I must go in! But after I made one step there was a shining light coming out from the casino. I had to put my arm over my eyes because it was too shiny.

"What was that?" I asked Cream and Tails, they were the smartest of us after all.

"I have no clue. It seems like it was a reaction between light and power. So I guess it was magic." explained Tails as my eyes widened. I runned in only to see Mephiles smirking and laughing evilly. But no sign of Amy.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO AMY?!" I yelled at him and he looked at me with the smirk on his face.

"I sent her and the others that were in here to a place where you will never find them..."

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