Chapter 39

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Sonic's POV:

After I went back to everyone else and calmed down a bit, I saw that they all already changed back into their normal clothes, stuffing the expensive clothes into their bags and they all turned to me. I felt guilty for everything I said earlier even when I dont regret it. They all looked a bit sad, propably because I was so depressed when Sally brought Amy in our fight, but I know she'll come back....maybe to for me but she will come back.

"Hey, you ok, Sonic?" I heard Tails asking me and touching my shoulder as I turned around to him. He looked worried aswell as I just patted his head and smiled with a chuckle.

"Yeah, Im fine, buddy." I told him even when I wasnt. Amy wasnt there and I was worried as hell.

"You sure? I mean, you sad about Amy?" I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as everyone was watching and listening to us, making the situation even more emberassing.

"Y-y-yeah, why shouldnt I? I mean, Amy is in a other dimen-" Before I could finish my sentence I had to hold my arm infront of my eyes. Something was blinding me, very badly. It was so shiny that I felt my eyes melting in my head! I couldnt dee or hear what it was until it suddendly stopped. Everybody was looking confused at each other as we looked infront of us, seeing a huge whole in the air, looking like a tornado or a black whole in the sky. Suddendly I heard voices, not any voice, no, I think it was...AMES!!!!

"Thank you so much for everything." I looked beside her to see another me, which looked really attractive, and another Amy, holding each other in arms.

Amy's POV:

When we went back to the camp, Cream already was finish with the portal and Kathy was stable to go through it aswell so we decided to go after Amelia wakes up. As I went to check on her I saw a new couple, cause my version and Sonic's version were kissing, as sonic hugged her tightly and slighly sobbing. Oh, how I wished that was me and my sonic- I mean I DONT wannt it with my Sonic. Soo, now we were finally back into our real dimension, and I felt reliefed that this was all over. Ched was carrying Kathy and Rouge was jumping around in hapines that she was back while Sonia and Nebula stood beside me and talked with Amelia and Sonic.

"Thank you so much for everything." thanked Amelia and shaked both of my hands while Sonic was holding her by her waist.

"No problem. And thank you so much for bringing us back." I thanked as Sonia agreed with me as Amelia began to giggle.

"I dont think you're the only one pleased by this." I was kinda confused when she pointed behind us until I turned around to see a lot of happy people smiling brightly at us as I saw MY Cream crying tears of joy. And as I looked at her, she came running towards me and tackled me, hugging and kissing me.

"OH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! *smooch* IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!!" I giggled at her and could push me out of her grip as I heard someone clearing her throat and saw the other Cream smiling at us.

"So that is what you meant with 'Best Friends'." I rubbed my neck nervously and chuckled while hugging Cream's waist just like sonic did.

"Woah, is that my version?" asked Cream excited as I nodded over to her as she rushed over and looked at her strangely. "You look good!" she said and smirked over to her with crossed arms. I began to laughed at them.

"I could say the same to you!" They were hilarious. But Cream wasnt the only one who wanted to see me, I guess.

I turned around to see Sonic and Manic hugging their sister as I kinda looked nervous at them. The others were going over to Ched and Kathy to see what is wrong with her. As Sonic got out of the hug from his sister he began to look my way. I kinda began to blush as he ran over to me, surprising me with a hug, and it was sooo tight! Our body couldnt get closer. I didnt pushed him this time, no, I actually hugged back. I didnt knew why I did it, I just felt like I should do it. I kinda missed him aswell, but dont you dare to tell him!

"Ames, I was sooo worried about you!" He was sounding like a little girl or a worried mother and that is one of the things I liked about him, he was caring about people. He hugged me even tighter as I released the hug, not wanting to go too far.

"Well, Im fine, arent I?" I chuckled nervously over to him as he began to blush and smile at me, propably thinking how sexy I looked. Pervert...

"Well, its time for us to go now. And again, a big thank you and all the luck on the world." I saw all my friends from the other dimension going through the portal but they turned around once more. Me and Sonia waved at them as the portal closed and they were gone. I sighed in relief and saw my people from my clan coming towards me. I was so happy that I was the leader again and not Mephiles. To be honest, he was a terrible leader.

Nebula's POV:

I was smiling at Amy and Sonic hugging, it was time that Amy was returning the feelings. It was kinda annoying to watch them and Sonic trying to get to her heart and Amy trying to ignore him. Suddendly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a black and red Hedgehog smiling brightly at me.

"AHHH!! PLEASE, NO MORE HUGS!!" I begged and backed away as he had a shocked face and it turned to a frown. Ok, that was my shadow.

"Hugs? Nebula, please, we're only on the friendzone." Yep, thats my Shadow. I chuckled at him nervously while feeling a bit hurt that we were only on the friendzone.


Amy's POV:

Me and the others were walking, not knowing where to go, only following the horizont! Joke! We didnt really knew where to go, we only knew that we had all of the emeralds and we could fight Mephiles. Mephiles propably already attacked Rosetal with is Monsters and Eggma's Robots but now we had a better chance to defeat them, if we all just stick together.

"So, what did you do in the other dimension?" Sonic asked me with a raised eyebrow while I just sighed with a smile.

"Thats a looooong story....."

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