Chapter 4

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Sonic's POV:

Here I am. In a way bigger X-Tornado than in the past with all the Freedome Fighters and a glaring princess. Im still thinking about what live would have been with Ames here. It would be happier. I bet she were my girlfriend by now. And actually could Sally stop glaring at me. I know she likes Khan, this monkey that is acting like he is the king of the world! I never liked him.

And Tails fixed The X-Tornado so everyone could have a room. But actually I dont need a bed. Always at night I would go out at the wings and look at the stars and making wishes. Its actually always the same wish.

Please, I just want to see Amy again. I want to hear her voice, and smell her rose smelling hair. I would give everything!

I hope and hope but almost give up. Who am I kidding? Im never gonna get to see her again. Im just too naive and hoping my dreams come true.

"Sonic? Could you please pay attention?" I heard Tails saying and waved a hand infront of my face. I looked at him and saw that they were talking about the chaos emeralds. I just knew that we had already one because I had won a race against Metal-Sonic. It was so nice to kick this metal-butt!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Im listening..." I said and tried to close my eyes again but I groaned as Tails began to speak with me again.

"Then you can tell me what I told you right now!" I opened one eye and looked at him for a second before closing it again.

"Im sure you know by yourself what you said! Except if you dont have a very good memory!" I smirked at myself and I could tell that Tails was gonna be angry at me.

"I have a IQ of 300! You are the one is too dumb to realize that Amy is dead!" Now I went really angry.

"Dont bring her into this!" I said and stood up. He had his hands on his hips and I had made fists.

"But its true! You are heartbroken and you need to move on like everyone else about Amy's lost!" I hadalmost tears in my eyes. She wasnt dead. I know it.

"You were never sad that she is gone! You all never liked her! You said cruel things about her behind her and my back!" I pointed to all of them and yelled. I just said the truth!

"SHUT UP!!!" Me and Tails looked over to Bunny and looke confused. "We all know you are sad Sonic! But this doesnt mean you have to yell at us everytime we mention her! And if you can remember we have a mission to do! So, now sit down and LISTEN ALREADY TO TAILS!!"

I didnt have said anything after that. I just sit down again and crossed my arms. I really tried to get over Amy but I cant. I miss her so much...

"Thank you, Bunny. Anyway, where was I? Oh right. The second emerald is in the castle of Wanda. It would be easy to get it since Sally is a princess after all. The third one is near the legendary Lake Shikarun. I dont know where exactly it is but we can ask the Lady of the Lake for help."

"Lady of The Lake?" I asked and sit up again. They all looked at me like they were gonna have a laugh flash.

"Dont tell me you never heard of the legendary Lady of The Lake!" Laughed Tails at me and I just shrugged.

"No, I havent." Then Tails and the others and Tails stopped Laughing and looked at me hsocked.

"She is the one who gave King arthur Excaliburn! She is the one who can control water!" He finished and began to talk about the other emeralds again. "I havent located the other emeralds yet but Im still working on it. So that means our first stop is wanda." He finally said and then Mina raised her hand in the air.

"Uhh....How far is Wanda?" She asked quietly Tails and Tails thought for a moment.

"Maybe 2-3 days from now on?" I groaned. Why do I have to be stuck in a giant plane with people whoo are going on ym nerves except Tails?! Even Knuckles is here! Just wish me luck...

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