Chapter 16

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Nebula's POV:

As I was told by Amy I was going to the jets in Cream's workshop. I didnt really wanted to, I mean, we have hundred of other people here and Im always doing the hard things! Ok, so I grabbed myself a paper where was written what i got to check.

"Lights...steering wheel...wings...and ehh...where is the engine?" I asked myself and looked under every hatch. I couldnt find it!

"I think you should look under the hatch between the window and the door!" I shrieked as I heard the dark voice behind me. In one moment all my quills stood up. I turned around and saw Shadow leaning against the door wall with crossed arms and a smirk in his face. "Did I scared you?"

"Me?! Pff! In your dreams! I just had a hiccup!" I said and blushed while turning back to my job.

"Yeah, right." I heard him walking up to me and leaned at the wall beside me. 

"What do you want now?" I asked annoyed and tried to sound cool. I would actually like to stutter but Im a tough girl and no one should know that I have a weakness...and its more terrible that this weakness is actually Shadow.

"I just wanted to know who this green freak was that you fighted earlier?" He asked and my ears perked up. Just the thought of him made me angry. I broke my pencil in my hand and my teeths gritted.

"That was Scourge. He is a pervert and breaks girl's hearts everyday. And sadly this rat is my ex-boyfriend..." I said and my teeths gritted once again.

"Woah...I cant image him with...well, someone like you!" I turned around to him with a glare.

"What is that suppose to mean?!" I crossed my arms and he seemed to get nervous.

"I mean, that a cute and tough girl like you dates a freak like him? This is unbelievable! How did this actually happened?" He asked me and I sighed.

"I met him at a museum in Mobius. I really thought he was nice. I mean, he flirted with me and told me I was beautiful and all, like every pervert starts...and after some time I started dating him. after two months I figured out that he 1. worked for Mephiles and 2. he went to other girls homes behind my back and cheated on me. And after he saw me as i was watching him he talked with me and broke up with me because i wasnt 'sexy' enough for him and I wouldnt 'sleep'with him after three dates!" I said and totally went angry.

"But something was right he told you." I looked shocked to him and angry and didint really wanted to talk about it anymore.

"What?!" I asked him and he came near me. He looked down at me because he was really tall.

"You are beautiful!" I blushed at him and got in trance in his eyes. I need to play cool, I cant get fuzzy because just one boy, who is just trying to flirt with me.

"Stop playing with me!" I said and turned arond to face the wall.

"I would never play with you..." He said and my eyes widened. I wanted to talk with him but as I turned around I saw nothing. He was outside I thought and after this moment, I realized, that love in your heart isnt always lies and pain. There is always one person that cares for you and protects you and I knew, that this person was Shadow...

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