Chapter 45 - THE FINAL 3

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Hey guys! Dont worry, this isnt the last Chapter. After this one there will still one last to read. I just wanted to say thank you for following me and my story through these months. I really hope you will look after my other stories and I hope you like them too. I love you all, your Penelope.

Cream's POV:

I didnt know what happened at all. Me and Amy were just fighting at one moment and one second later we are all laying on the floor with blood on our heads and every monster and even Mephiles is dead. It was all so confusing and I felt pain all over my body. As I opened my eyes I saw that almost everyone was alive. I knew it was Amy who saved us.

"We did it..." I whispered to myself and stood up to dance around and helping the others up. "WE DID IT!!!" I screamed once again and was looking for Amy but I didnt saw her anywhere. I bet she is helping others. She is such a lovely person. I saw Shadow helping Nebula up, and it seemed like Kathy was the one with the most injuries. I went over to Sonic who was grunting as he stood up and he loocked at me with a smile. "You okay?" I asked him and grabbed him by his arm so he could stand up propertly.

"Yeah, Im alright. But where is Ames? Was she the one who saved us?" He asked weakly while rubbing his shoulde, probably a sign that it hurted.

"I guess, I didnt saw her yet. Lets look for her." He nodded as we walked pass Nebula who we gave a bit water since she looked very dry and Kathy who we gave some medicine and she decided to look for Amy too. Suddendly my communicator beeped and when I opened it I saw Emi and Ched and some scared kids behind them.

"CREAM!! Is everyone alright?! We heard a big crash and we thought they threw a bomb or something!!" yelled Emi worried and paniced, I just looked around.

"Well, we dont know what happened yet, but almost everyone is alive and somehow Mephiles is dead." I explained as they all began to cheer and clap but I stopped them. "But we cant find Amy anywhere! Its almost like she dissapeared along with Mephiles- Wait, MAYBE SHE IS DEAD?!" I yelled as tears began to come out of my eyes. I turned to Sonic who seemed a bit shocked from what I said, but I may be right. I turned off the communicator since I hadnt to say anything else.

"WE NEED TO FIND HER!!" Yelled Sonic and wanted to run but I stopped him when I heard Knuckles scream.

"GUYS!!!" He yelled and looked a bit terrified. We didnt knew what was going on so we slowly walked towards where he was looking. It was a pink Hedgehog laying on her side, looking kinda dead. My eyes widened.

"AMY!!" I yelled and ran towards her, liding on my knees and holding her head up with my hands. I was followed by Sonic who had tears in his eyes. "Amy? Are you okay?" I asked, shaking her a bit, not to hurt her even more. No response.

"Ames?! Please answer us!!" yellled Sonic and took Amy's head on his lap. I was crying already, knowing what it meant. "AMES!! DONT PLAY WITH ME!!" Suddendly Sally was putting a hand on Sonic's shoulder who was doing hard trying to wake Amy up.

"Sonic...She saved us...but...she gave her life for it..." She explained, bringing me at the edge of tears. Me, Kathy, Nebula and Sonic were sobbing and the others were standing there, looking down sadly.

"NO!!! SHE ISNT DEAD!! SHE CANT BE!!! SHE CANT LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE THIS!!!" He yelled, making me sob even more.

Sonic's POV:


Please dear god no...


I kinda knew it was too late, but I wouldnt believe it! She was....I LOVE HER!! She cant


I started to wimper, as I laid my head on hers, just wanting her to breath. SHe doesnt deserves all this. No...Please...Someone help me...

"Sonic..." I was shocked to hear that voice and kinda jumped up. I looked above us to see Tikal, the guairdian of all the creatures on our planet. She was kinda like god but much nicer. "Sonic, give me the lady please." My eyes widened as she pointed to Amy, who still wasnt breathing.

"W-w-what?! NO!!" I yelled as she just smiled. I dont know what her problem is but this isnt the right time to smile, Tikal.

"You're heart really belongs to her, huh?" She giggled and smiled even more, seeming happy. "Come on, take my hand." I was confused as she took out her hand for me, and I looked at the others who seemed not to really understand what was happening.


"Maybe you'll understand things after it." I slowly put Amy's head on Cream's lap and slowly moved forward, to reach her hand and as soon as I reached it...

I saw it...

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