Chapter 32

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Amy's POV:

Ok, now comes the part where I get me- I mean Amelia- on the good side back. I only need a bit more of informations. And I know the right person for the job.

I looked around the place and looked for a certain someone and hoped to see something blue. Maybe even green emeralds eyes were enough. I needed his help. Maybe he can help me talk to this bad version of me. He was her Best Friend after all. Suddnedly I saw a blue blur running infront of my face and a smirk appeared on it. Only one person can do something like that. I followed him as fast as I could and I could barely keep up with him. He was the fastest thing alive after all. For my luck, he finally came to a stop as he stood at a cliff, golding something in his hand that I couldnt recognize.

I then began to slowly approach behind him and tap on his shoulder, what seemed to shock him, because he shrieked, jumped up and went in fight position. I just put my hands in the air as I did when Cream almost killed me. He sighed and calmed down. Close one...

"Its just you...What do you want?" He asked rudely and turned away, sitting on the end of the cliff. I joined him and sat beside him with him still looking away from me.

"What's that?" I asked and pointed to the red band in his hand which he quickly pulled aside as I mentioned it.

"Nothing!" He lied and a tiny blush appeared onto his muzzle.

"Does it belong to her?" I asked and actually meant this Amelia as I heard him sigh deeply. I really didnt liked this Sonic.

"Yeah...Its her old headband...she lost it before she turned out this way...I kept it, so I can remember all the good times we had..." He told me and looked down at the red subjekt what made me want to cry a bit. I wish my Sonic would feel like this. Wait...WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?!

"I need your help..." I finally said out loud. He looked at me, a bit disbelieving of what I just said.

"You? Need my help?" He asked and slmost sounding like laughing as if it was the most hilarious thing he had ever heard! And then, within one second her began to laugh his head off.

"Stop laughing! Im trying to help you get your old Amelia back!" I yelled and crossed my arms while pouting at him. He started to look strenly again.

"And how do you plan to do that, Mrs. Goody-Two-Shoes?!" He said with rage in his voice, almost shouting at me.

This guy literally needs help from a therapist...

"Well, first: Dont you dare to call me that! And second: I think I know how to talk to myself." I smirked at him as I saw him roll his eyes at me. This guy really has nerves to do that to me! He is literally talking to his crush about his crush right now and is so rude to me and Im only trying to help! "Do you want my help or not?!" I asked and had hopefull eyes while he finally looked down at me. I saw a tiny blush appearing as he groaned to himself while slapping his hand against his head.

"Fine! But I'll finish you up if you dont get her back to normal!" He hissed and pointed with his fingers at me. I dont really understand how people can be so rude to their friends!

"Im trying, Dude, so chill! Geez!"

                                   .:::::: With the Others in the other Dimension ::::::.

Sonic's POV:

"Are we there yet?!" Groaned a chipmunk behind me and got me too pissed off. She asks that questions over two hours now! Such a wimp!

"NO, FOR THE HUNDRETH TIME!!" I shouted, really pissed off and without taking control of my nerves. This girl drives me crazy! In a Negative way! "WE ARENT THERE!!" I turned around and shouted in her face what didnt shocked her at all. No, she smirked at me with her arms crossed over her chest. Suddendly I heard Tails clearing his throat.

"Actually, Sonic...We are here..." meant Tails as I turned around to look what he meant. And he was right. We saw a sign where was written: Welcome to Minichore! So, I guess we are at the right place!

We walked in further only to see so many fancy people. People who chat and laugh like they want to throw any second. So many woman and girls who are trying to fake a smile or girls who are complaining that their nails were ruined.

I think Sally found her new home...

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