Chapter 38

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Kathy's POV:

Me and Ched were the only ones left in the camp since they were rescuing someone, I forgot who, but I didnt cared. I still felt weak after all this and whenever I took a nap I always get those nightmares. About my sister being hit and hurt and Eggman and Mephiles planning evil plans. I knew this were just dreams, right? I mean Emi was with the others in our right dimension and tries to find the emeralds...right? Just as I began to think of my sister again I heard someone coming in my tent, and well, guess who it was.

"Do you feel better?" Ched asked my while putting a watery towel on my temple, making me shiver a bit at the good touch at my skin. I still wasnt able to speak without problems, didnt quite knew why but I guess Mephiles wants to make me mute or something, trying to hide some things. Maybe even the dreams I dreamed?

"Y-y-y-y-yeah, much b-b-better. Thank y-y-you, Ched." He helped my walking on my own by now, or well with crutches and he took care of my the last few days. I think I would have died without him. He wasnt the kind of guy I gave him place to, I mean it in a good way.

"Thats good to hear. Well, I need to look for more medicine while you take a nap, ok?" I just nodded over to him, signaling him that he could leave now. I knew that Im gonna have such a nightmare again but I felt tired so I didnt cared. I knew they were just dreams so what was I scared about? I heard Ched leaving my tent as I laid back comfortable and slowly closed my eyes, falling in my dreamland once again.


I was in this vision again, where I cant move my body, just opening my eyes and seeing things where the persons in my dream cant see me. Its always a bit strange but I only focused on what was happening in my dream.

And once again, I saw Emi in my dream. She was tied up on a chair, her face full of blood and she had ripped clothes, almost revealing her undergarments. She looked knocked out but I knew my sister very well, nothing could get her knocked out that easily. I saw that she was still breathing, reliefing me.

I heard footsteps coming towards us as I was standing right where Emi was tied up. I couldnt touch anyone, I was like a hologram in there. Slowly I could figure out two shadows. One fat and little while the other was tall and slim. After I was used to have dreams about them I knew who they were.

"Is she still knocked out? Its been a day already. That girl is sure weak." I knew my sister was pretending so she wont get hurt even more, I know how smart she can be.

"Seems like it. But that doesnt matters. We just have to wait till her ridiculous sister somes and tries to get her back along with the other weak rodents. Then I can finally kill her and get the emeralds and the war can begin." war? They actually want to have a war after they destroyed us? Why dont they just rule the kingdom and nobody has to come to any harm. Well...except us.

"Do you really think they will come for her?" asked the big mechanic confused as Mephiles began to get near me and Emi. He grabbed Emi's chin, as I heard a small whimper. He touches my sister again and I will kill him!

"Oh Im very sure they will come for her...Am I not right..." He looked up where I was standing. It was impossible that he could see me. It was my dream after all. "...Kathy?"

End of Dream

I jumped up, having sweat all over my body and tears running down my muzzle. How could he see me? Oh damn it! I forgot that we were connected to each other so he could possibly see me. So that werent dreams? That was the presence? No, it cant be! Emi is with the others, safe and calm and without blood all over her body. It cant be true. I hope it isnt true.

Amy's POV:

She did it. I did it. Amelia killed him. It was so awesome to watch. You wanna know why I wanted her to do this on her own? Because I knew her, she was me after all. I knew she could do it on her own and that everone thought that she is weak. I wanted Sonic to see that it isnt like that. And she proved it. Im proud of myself.

I felt a smile coming in my face as I saw Sonic holding the unconscious Amelia in his arms hugging and actually crying in happiness. Atleast I could save the realationship between them in this dimension.

I heard the doors of the throne room opening as the whole Blue Rebellion came in running with confused faces and some faces were angry. I smiled to Sonia who looked over to the two lovebirds and kinda smirking up to me, making me frown again. I think she knew that I had a crush on Sonic but it didnt mattered right now.

Just as Shadow saw Nebula who was still stunned by what just had happened, he ran up to her, bringing her into a death hug as she began to scream for help. They were ridiculous. I could watch this all day actually, seeing Shadow acting like that is just unbelieveble. Crem was waling over to my other version, asking Sonic what happened and checked if she was still alive. After Sonic explained the whole thing what took him half an hour, they finally all understood and kinda felt sorry for Amy but I dont think that everybody forgave her yet.

"She is so scanty, she hasnt eaten in a while. She has lost a lot of blood aswell and she is very tired. We have to bring her back to the camp and I will take care of her. In atleast 2 weeks she'll be fine again." Cream smiled up to Sonic who thanked her and carried Amelia bride style and we all went out of the throne room. I felt like throwing up because of the smell and sight of so much blood, I think I have to rest aswell.

I felt someone hugging my waist as I made my way out of the castle. I looked to my side to see Sonia smiling at me as I returned it, hugging her waist aswell. She was kinda like sister for me, even when she was the sister of the biggest idiot on earth.

"You ok?" she asked worried hugging my waist even tighter as we walked together on the front. I was so reliefed I could breath fresh air again.

"Yeah. Im just happy that this is all over and the slaves can live free now." I smiled at her as we saw all the slaves that worked on the castle walls were now stunning looking at us while we carried Amelia back to where she belongs. I stopped for a moment and walked up to them as they were a bit scared of me. I was still looking like her after. "You're all free now! You can go back to your familys and friends! And tell the others that the kingdom wont have to worry about the evil queen! The kingdom has finally found peace!" I yelled at them so they could all hear me. They were shocked at first, till they began to dance and cheer hugging each other and some were crying. I felt proud, and happy that we could help them, even when actually didnt do much about it.

"Ok, that means that we can go home again!" I heard Nebula cheering while shadow tried to kiss her making her run around. This is so weird.

"Yep! Home, here we come."

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