Chapter 28

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Amy's POV:

I turned my communicator off, but suddendly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a shaking Cream. She was still afraid of me, even when I told her I would never do something to her.

"You can go and see Kathy now, Amelia." I didnt liked her calling me that. She never ever, even when we first met, never ever called me Amelia. It was so weird, I wanted my real Cream and Sonic back. But atleast I had Sonia still with me.

I walked in the tent where Kathy was laying with Rouge and Sonia on her right side, while I kneeled down on her left side She looked really sick. Her face was all white and she looked more than terrible.

"A-a-amy..." she whispered and I looked down at her in worry.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked Cream, who stood a bit far away from us and she sighed.

"She told me everything about all this Mephiles thing and well...after he teleported you guys she had some kins of effect on the black magic. As you see, when a person is kind hearted and brave than is this person a positive react and if a person is as dark as Mephiles in your dimension then its called a negative react. When a positive and negative react have the same blood then the two personalitys try to kill each other in their minds without them knowing, that causes her so much pain." Cream explained and I was kind of confused.

"That means Mephiles will kill her in her mind?" I asked a bit too worried.

"Or she kills Mephiles, nobody can say the results before it actually happened. That means, that Kathy can see wherever Mephiles is going but sadly he is able to see where you guys are going." I looked to Kathy who gave me a look like 'Leave me here, Im dangerous'but I ignored it. Sonia looked at me with worry aswell.

"What are we gonna do now?" asked Rouge in panic and I rolled my eyes at her. I saw Ched coming in the tent with a bowl of water and a towel which he put on Kathy's head.

"First of all, we will find a way to get back home. Can you help us somehow?" I asked Cream who looked like she was thinking.

"well...I once built a time machine but a portal to another dimension? I dont know. I think I can try." She told us and I nodded.

"How long will it take? Because we need to get back to our friends!" asked Rouge and I agreed with her.

"I think I can do it in one week or two, if I work at nights too Im gonna be finish in five days!" She said and I nodded. I really wanted to have my cream back. And maybe the real sonic who tried to apology to me or else but not glaring at me like this Sonic was doing right now.

"A-a-amy..." whispered Kathy weak and I looked down at her. "P-p-promise me, y-y-you will f-forgive Sonic, okay?" She asked me what shocked me a bit. It wasnt her buisness at all.

"Why do you want me to forgive him?" I asked her and she smiled.

"J-j-just in c-c-case, if I d-d-die, I w-w-want you t-t-to be h-h-happy." She said and I looked up at Sonia who smiled at me aswell. I wasnt actually listening to the sonic part of the sentence, no, she said if she was gonna die. She isnt going to die! I wont accept that! Nobody dies aslong Im the leader of the Black Rose clan!

"I dont know what you are talking about. Im happy aslong as he stays away from me!" I told her and Sonia sighed while Kathy closed her eyes.

"M-m-m-maybe you dont r-r-realize things y-y-you need a-a-a-aslong as you dont l-l-l-loose them." I was a bit shocked by her words. I mean, yes, I still loved Sonic, but Im not the little girl I used to know. Im not gonna get my heart be owned by a blue Hedgehog aslong he doesnt confess it myself, and he doesnt even likes me like that.

I just stood up and went out of the tent. I couldnt hear more of this. I dont know what I want anymore. Do I want to be with Sonic? Im not sure. But right now I need to focus on where we are right now. Only five days and I will be with my friends again.

I wonder what they are doing right now...



Im sorry I havent update a long time now and Im really sorry but i dont have as much time as in the past. My broken arm is a bit better but it still hurts like hell. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a great day!

See ya!

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