Chapter 3

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Sonic's POV:           6 years later

Its been 6 years, full 6 years since I saw her. We looked everywhere. Everywhere you could look at. I was depressed, I didnt wanted to know that Amy was dead. If she was dead. All my friends, if I could call them that and except Tails, werent looking for her. They just act like they never knew her. They hurted her, they hurted me. I wanted my ames. My siblings were visiting the last 3 years and they were still living in my house. They really liked Amy too.

My feelings for her never left and I just couldnt stop thinking and dreaming of her. How was her life now? Does she have a boyfriend? I mean, Im 21 and she must be 19. I always imagined how beautiful she must be at this age. She is mature but I really miss this cute red dress of hers.


I got out of my thoughts and stood with my now longer legs upa dn looked for a minute in the mirror at my now mature body. I wasnt a little kid anymore and everyone could see that. My siblings were with the other freedome fighters. I werent hanging with them much except Tails. I couldnt trust them anymore.

As I looked through the window I saw Tails knocking at the door so I went up to it and opened it. He looked kind of nervous. "Hey, bud. Whats wrong?" I asked tiredly and rubbed my eyes. He took my shoulders and closed the door behind me. He grabbed my arms and I walked with him confused. "Where are you taking me?"

"The king wants to see you!" My eyes widened. Its been so long since he wanted to see me. Actually since me and Sally broke up. I was a bit nervous. Why? Well, lets see, I broke up with his daughter, broke many rules and the most important thing is: He is the one who can put me in jail! I know Im the hero of mobius but I cant do about something that the king said.

"But why?" I asked him and he kept walking. We werent far away from the castle so it didnt took us too much time.

"Why should I know? But I think its something about Eggman." Yeah, Eggman didnt attacked since Amy was gone. I think it has something to do about her. Im not saying that she is evil! I just think that Eggman is planning something very dangerous.

Before we entered the castle I stopped. "I cant do that!" I told him worried and he looked at me sternly.

"Sonic The Hedgehog! He is not gonna kill you just because you broke the heart of her daughter!" I looked at him like 'Are you kidding me?'. I mean, He is the dad of the girl I thought I loved!

"Yeah, thank you." I said sarcastic and finally entered. I was looking through the hallways like I wasnt be here like years and that was exactly what is going on. But atleast I knew where the throneroom was. As I entered I saw everyone from the freedome fighters and my siblings and Sally aswell. On the Throne was sitting the king who had a smile and a bit of angry look at his face. I gulped and slowly began to walk to them. I saw Sally glaring at me.

I bowed infront the king and suddendly he smiled at me. "You wanted to see me your majesty?" He went oof of his throne and smiled at me down.

"Well, if it isnt Sonic The Hedgehog! You have become mature!" He told me and I had a fake smile in my face coz I didnt knew what he wanted from me.

"Thanks, but why did you called me?" I asked politly and he took out a letter which he gave me. 

Dearest, idiotic king of Idious (Idiot+Mobius=Idious),

Long time no see, huh? But anyway, like you know I have one of my brilliant plan again and I just wanted to warn you so you can pack your things in time. I will rule Mobius in just one month! But Im not alone! I have some help with me. Well, good luck to win! Oh wait, Thats impossible!

In Hate, Dr. Ivo Robotnik!

I looked at the king with a not so worried look. "Are you serious?! We have beaten Egghead up everytime! We can do it too!" I explained to all of them and Sally came over to me with a angry look.

"Sonic, dont you see? Eggman was away for full 6 years! Who knows how much robots he built and who his partner is! We cant just stand here and act like a cocky dumb hedgehog like you!" Even when it hurted my feelings she had a point.

"Ok, but what are we supposed to do?" I asked with crossed arms and Sally hitted the back of my head. "Ow!"

"We need to stop him, of course!" I rubbed the back of my head and glared of her. Didnt she moved on already? I mean, its been 6 years since we broke up! Man, she is gonna haunt me till my live ends.

"And how?" I asked and hoped not to get a hit again. The door opened and Tails came inside and stood beside me.

"Well, we dont know what he is planning to do but I think the best way is to get the seven chaos emeralds. Just to be sure." He said and I patted his back.

"Good idea, bud! Ok, common, Freedome Fighters! We have to-" Before I could finish my sentence Sally hissed at me...again.

"Excuse me, mister Want-to-Rule-it-all! I am The Leader of the Freedome Fighters since the day you said you need space because you feel depressed!" And once again, she had a point. She went forward and began to smile proudly. "Now common, freedome Fighters, we need to find the chaos emeralds!" She said and everyone cheered. They ran out except me and Tails.

"Well, she is still the same old Sally!" Tails said and patted my back. I began to follow everyone with crossed arms, and a death glare in my face.

"Whatever..." I murmered. I wish Amy could be here. SHe would make me laugh right now. But she is somewhere where she is happy. Without me.

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