Chapter 30

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Amy's POV:

*sigh* I just want to be the others. The only thing that happened the last 3 days is that Kathy cries in pain and Cream tried everything to get away from me. Sonia tries everything to talk with me about Sonic and mine realationship, if there is any anyway. And Rouge? Well, she tries everything to find a place where she can find some make up.

I walked in where Cream was working on our way back home. She was wearing a helmet to her face from fire because she was doing with fire, dont know what. She doesnt even seem to notice me but I tapped on her shoulder. She shrieked and screamed and turned around with the fire turning my way. I held my hands in the air as a sign that Im friendly.

"Sorry! Please dont burn me!" I whined and hoped she wouldnt really burn my beautfiul face! She sighed and put the fire down.

"Dont scare me like that ever again!" She screamed at me and I put hands up again. I didnt wanted to foght her right now.

"Im sorry! I just wanted to see how the portal is doing." I told her and put my arms down. She looked at me and I had curious eyes. "So, when can we go home?" I asked her excited as she sighed.

"I dont know, Im almost finish but I dont know if it works. It can be  that if you try to go through it you will change personalitys or even brains." she explained as I looked at her shocked. I love my brain! I dont want it to be maybe in Rouge's body or even in Ched's! Ok, in this chapter I sound like a really egoist!

"And how sure is it that this actually happens?" I asked and pressed my eyes together hoping for the worst.

"Ehh...67%?" She said a bit shy as my eyes widened. This is absolutly not my day! I was woken up by Ched who screamed in my ear, Im in a totally bad mood and now this!

"67%?!" I screamed and held my head in my hands. "And you are sure you cant do something about it." I asked and looked up again only to see that she was shaking her head as sign of no.

"Actually no, not at all. We can only hope that my smart brain build this machine right." I chuckled a bit as we laughed together. She was kinda like my real Cream, she is only more shy and is walks more in the shadows. Before I knew it this other Sonic was coming in.

"Cream? Can you fix my-" he asked as he suddendly saw me and a glare was now in his face. "What are you doing here?!" He asked and hissed at me like a sick snake. He was so rude!

"Well, Mr. I-hate-everyone! Im trying to get home so I dont have to see your ugly face ever again!" I told him while pointing to him as he growled something.

"Cream, are you sure this isnt our Amelia? I mean, she is as mean as her!" He talked to Cream while I turned my back to him and I saw him glaring at me.

"Says the person who is mean to everyone..." I mumbled what he seemed to heard because he was red of anger.

"LISTEN HERE PRINCESS!! YOUR HERE IN MY DIMENSION SO I DONT HAVE TO HEAR SOMETHING FROM A SELFISH BRAT WHO USED TO BE MY BEST FRIEND!!" He suddendly held his mouth shock, regretting what he said. I had wide eyes too as he said that.

"I...was your best friend?" I asked softly as he blushed while truning away. Suddendly Cream came up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"Yeah, you two were best friends till you freaked out like that. He even had a crush on you but everyone can see that he still does. He hopes that our Amelia will change back and be normal again." she whispered as he only blushed more. We saw him running out like my sonic did when he blushed as we were young. Weird...

"Wait, he is in love with your evil Amelia who destroys your whole kingdom?!" That was so crazy!

"Yeah, he thinks that she isnt that evil after all." sighed Cream and went back to work. I just began to walk back out and saw Sonic sitting on a rock and holding a rose. It seems like he is going through what I was going through as I was heartbroken by Sonic.

"I gotta help him and change this Amelia back...I dont want him to feel the same pain I went through..."

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