Chapter 43 - THE FINAL 1

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Hey, Im sorry that this Chapter isnt that long but Im so inspired anymore. This is the first Chapter of the Final-part and there will be maybe 4 or 5 parts of it. Well, I hope you enjoy and having a good time! Love you all!

Amy's POV:

We were getting ready while Ched and Emi brought all the kids and the weak adults away. It was my highest priority to keep as many of my clan alive as I can. I know, I wont be able to save everyone, but as long as Im the leader, I will defend my soldiers with everything I have, god damn it!

We walked to the place where we are supposde to fight Mephiles and his army. It was a huge grass field with a few trees around and animals who will die if they dont get away fast. It was almost noon and I was so nervous. This fight means everything. The crown, The kingdom, My Clan, Our lifes.

Cream and Sonic were both at one of my sides and I saw Sonic smiling at me. This Idiot really doesnt knows when its the worst time to smile, does he? Well, it was kinda a comfront to have him with me. I think, even when we dont have as many soldiers as Mephiles, we'll win. I can feel it in my bones.

"Amy, can you promise me that we'll survive?" I looked to my side to see Cream, slightly teary eyed. I grabbed her hand, making her looking at me.

"Just stay close to me and nothing will happen, ok?" I asked her with a weak smile, making her smile along. She wiped a tear away that was about to come out of the eye. She was thousand times smarter than me but she was still one of the most emotional persons I knew. But still, I couldnt promise her that we will survive. I know I shouldnt think so negative but you wouldnt know it either if you were in my situation, right?

We were standing there, on the field, holding our weapons or fists up and having a brave expression. To be honest, I was so scared. It was so silent and I knew in a few minutes we will fight against monsters and robots and propably loose.

Suddendly we heard loud roaring and screaming and even the ground began to shake. I know what it is. I was so nervous.

"GET IN YOUR POSITIONS!! THEY'RE COMING!!" I yelled at my soldiers. The archers were holding their bows and were about to shoot at the monsters, but not yet. They were sill too far away. "Wait! Not yet!" They were running towards us, almost infront of us.

"Amy?" Cream was a bit scared and asked me unsure but we couldnt shoot yet. If we would shoot now, we wouldnt be able to kill any monsters. They had to come more near. Now, they were only a few feets away. "AMY!!"

"NOW!!!" All the archers began to shoot. Many arrows were flying in the air, and killing monsters as they fall down. We did that two times before the monsters were too close to us. "ATTACK!!!" I screamed as we began to charch at the monsters, me holding my Piko-Piko hammer, Cream using her inventions, Sonic using his spin dash, etc.

We began to fight the big ones first, making it easier to fight the small ones. But, I still didnt saw Mephiles anywhere. Maybe he was hiding and waiting to finish us up at the end. Yeah,  guess thats his point. I wasnt worrying about it, I was focused on not to die today. Me and Cream fought together, back to back, trusting each other and helping each other. But I saw Sonic saving me many times too. That recalls so many memories of how he had to save me from Eggman's robots. Well, Eggman wasnt here either. Weird.

"There are so many!" complained Cream as she tried to fight as many as she can.

"Dont worry, we'll fight them, it doesnt matter how many they are, we are way better at fighting than them!" I yelled back as I knocked out two monsters at the same time. I looked around to see Nebula and Shadow fighting against a green Hedgehog and Kathy and Tails were trying their best too. Kathy seemed murderous, she really wants Mephiles to die. Well, who wouldnt?

Well, speak of the devil. Mephiles and Eggman flew above our heads, smirking down at us and laughing like sick people. We'll see who laughs at the last, Idiot. Im not giving up, not now, not ever. And even when I die today, I know that I did the right thing.

"Well, it seems like you're in the minority! Good luck to win, Amy rose!" I heard him laughing darkly while watching me fighting a big monster.

"Shut your damn mouth! We still got a secret weapon!" I smirked up to him, making him frown but chuckle at the same time.

"And what may that be? That overweighted idiot of a Echidna? Or a blue fast and weapon less Rat? Just face it! THE KINGDOM IS MINE!!!"

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