Chapter 31

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Sonic's POV:

It was so annoying to keep walking so slow. I would have been there in two seconds but because of this chipmunk princess we need more than 4 days! Why did I ever dated her anyway?! She is nice...sometimes, but the most of the time rude and she acts like a drama queen! I still hear her groaning because we had to walk. Princesses...

Suddendly I heard my commuicator, telling me someone was calling me. I pulled it out and turned it on, only to see a beautiful, pink face again.

"AMY!!" I screamed happy, catching everyones attention. Cream ran up to me and tried to look at the screen along with me while pushing me a bit away.

"Hey guys!" She said a bit sad what worried me.

"Whats the matter, Bestie?! Did someone hurt you?!" asked Cream a bit angry that Amy was still gone. But it was so good to see real friendship.

"No, no one did. I just want to say that we wont be with you for a while." She said and rubbed her neck a bit nervously.

"Why? Whats wrong?" asked Sally worried aswell, what annoyed me. Yes, I said I wanted to be friends with her again but she is just...A PRINCESS!

"Well, we have some problems with Kathy, she isnt able to go through a portal when she is like this." Amy explained and we looked at each other. We didnt really knew what she meant.

"Whats wrong with Kathy?" We asked in unsion and Amy sighed. She hugged her legs and looked at us sadly.

"We found out that Mephiles tries to kill her in her mind and he can see everywhere we go. She always screams in pain gets bruises without even getting hurt or something. Cream tries to do something." We all looked at Cream who shrugged her shoulders. "Not our Cream. The Cream from this dimension." We all nodded as a sign that we understood. "And also, I have to clear some things in this dimension." She mumbled and I was a bit confused.

"What things?" I asked worried, not wanting to hear things like she has to stop a war or something like that.

"I cant explain now. I need to go now...We see each other soon!" She explained and turned the comunicator off. I sighed. Why is she always doing that?!

"Well, we need to contuine looking for the emeralds." meant Shadow with crossed arms aswell. I nodded in agreement and we all began to walk again but sally groaned.

"Can someone carry me?" she asked everyone but everyone glared at her. "please?" She made the puppy eyes but we all just turned around. "Traitors..." I heard her mumble as I grinned to myself.

                                                                .::::In the other Dimension::::.

Kathy's POV:

It was all dark. I think Im dreaming. Or was I awake and I was in some dark room? Nah, I think I dream. I felt so much pain rushing through my body as I felt my blood streaming faster than ever. My heart was pounting so fast, it could have jump out of my chest.

"Why are we gonna do with her?" I heard a voice calling. I recognized this voice...It was...Eggman... "Why did we even captured her?" Suddendly I saw a picture. Figures standing in a weird looking room. Even Mephiles was there who hit Eggman's head.

"As Bait for her sister, damnit! Her sister can control me after all!" He explained. I only listened. What were they talking about? Who did they captured?

Suddendly a third person showed up, tied up in a chair. EMI?! Omg! She looks awful! Wait, Mephiles said that Emi's sister can control him, and Im her sister...This is so crazy! This only a dream!

"sir, why dont you just kill this Kathy-girl in her mind?" my eyes widened as Eggman asked those words. He wants to kill me?

"I already tried, Idiot! But she seemed to be too powerfull!" explained Mephiles as my vision began to get blurry. "And now, finish her sister off." he commanded a big guaird and he began to punch Emi.

"NOOO!!!!" I screamed but no one heard me. Emi began to bleed hard as I could barely see her anymore. "STOP IT!!" I screamed once again as I couldnt see her anymore...

Narrator's POV:

Ched heard screaming coming from Kathy's tent what made him very worried. Fast, he rushed over to her tent, only to see her turning on the ground in a sea of sweat. She was screaming that someone shoulc stop, whatever this person in her dream was doing. He shaked her to wake her up but it made her only screaming more. After five minutes of shaking she finally opened her eyes wide.

"EMI!!!!" She screamed and looked in every direction in fear and terrified but felt someone touching her.

"Shhhh....Everything's fine! You're ok!" whispered Ched what calmed Kathy down a bit.

"Ched?" She asked softly.

"The one and only!" He chuckled what made Kathy blush a bit. Her heart still raced of all that stress in that dream. "Care to explain what happened?" He asked but she just shrugged.

"I guess it was just a bad dream..."

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