Chapter 6

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Sonic's POV:

We walked in the X-Tornado again and I had still the emerald in my hand. Some cheered for us even when we didnt did much to get it. I gave the emerald to Tails who put it in a room so no one could get to it except him.

After that he went to the controler of the plane again and I sat beside him. Tails already didnt allowed me to touch anything because Im so clumsy! Well, that is what he says!

We werent that far away from the ground because this lake where the next was wasnt that far away from here.

"Dont you have something better to do as watching hwo I do the work, Sonic?" asked Tails while I stared at all the buttons where he sat at. I could never use this thing without crashing it twice!

"If I had something better to do I wouldnt be, would I?" I smirked up to him who just rolled his eyes. He always does his best to ignore everytime when he is flying before we begin to fight again.

"Whatever...." I heard him mumble and I began to chuckle. I liked to tease people lik that. But that just reminds me of how me and Amy teased people together.

"Hey, Tails! What is that button for?" I asked him adn he turned around but gasped as I pointed the button beside me.

"Dont touch it! Or you will blow us all up!" He said in a panic tone and I slowly move my finger away from it.

"Why do you even have such a button?" I asked him and he was still glaring at me.

"Just to be sure!" He told me and his angry eyes never left my face. Its seems like people like to glare at me and be angry at me. I just wish people could be angry at me and Amy. Ok, that sounds weird.

"To be sure to blow us all up?! How smart!" I said smirking and his face was all red. This was the first time he was angry like this.

"SHUT UP-" I thought I could make a little joke at him so I fake gasped as he began to yell and pointed outside.

"TAILS! LOOK OUT!!" He moved the whole plane so everyone fell to the right side and he looked afraid to me. I laughed a bit at him but he hadnt noticed.

"What was worng?!" He asked me again and I began to full laugh.

"Nothing! I just wanted to see your face!" I laughed and he began to yell at me again.

"CAN SOMEONE GET THIS HEDGEHOG OUT OF HERE, PLEASE?!" He screamed but nobody heard him. He groaned and I couldnt stop laughing. But then I looked outside and gasped.

"TAILS! LOOK OUT!!" I screamed and tried to warn him but he wouldnt stop looking at me.

"I wont fall for it again, Sonic!" I grabbed his head and turned it to let him look where we was flying. He screamed as he saw a giant tree infront of us and tried to turn to the left but it was too late. We crashed in the tree and the plane began to fall.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!" Everyone was yelling and screaming for help but suddendly everything was black....


Im sorry, I know its very short but I didnt knew what to write else. I hope you enjoyed it and you will contuine to read it! Bye!!

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