Chapter 13

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Amy's POV:

Sonic is such a idiot! UGH!! I could hit him till he dies right now! I hate it if someone isnt following my orders! But I kind of felt flattered as he began to smirk at me. But still, as I know him, he will get everyone in my clan in danger! I have a plan where I hope everybody will come back alive. But why does this idiot must be so stupid?! He was always as stubborn as now and I think he will never learn!

So we entered the west door and waited till we heard a loud scream. A screaming that is coming from only one thing. A monster. Mephiles didnt had robots like Eggman did. No, he had real live creatures. But I suddendly felt kind of weird. I heard boots that could only come from a robot.

And before I could think something crashed the door and in the shadows I saw a figure. It was a gigantic metal man. I havent seen one in 6 years! I saw him pointing his laser at my people so I began to give orders again.

"Everyone! Run outside!" I screamed. and if you think I may be crazy: its all part of my plan. Sonic was still running beside me and we all ran away from the robot. But as we saw the giant armee a shiver came down my back. All of them turned to us and everybody looked at me. "Everybody! Attack!!" I sad and we all runned to them with our skills.

And as I fighted with a monster I saw the person who caused all this. But he wasnt alone. Mephiles had a flying robot beside him and I could perfectly see who was inside.

"EGGMAN?!" I yelled shocked and both of the evils turned to me. Sonic also came beside me.

"Ohohoho! If it isnt Sonic The Hedgehog! I didnt expect you here! But Im not here for you! Im here for the seven chaos emeralds!" He laughed and got elbowed from Mephiles.

"You mean WE are here for ther seven chaos emeralds!" He corrected Eggman who made a fake smile to him. I just smirked at them.

"Well, Im sorry, Egghead and Mephidiot! We only have 6! And you will never get the last one!" I kind of looked emberassed as Amy mentioned that. She turned to me with a angry look.

"Weeeell! Actually..." Amy groaned and face-palmed.

"Seriously?! Do you know in what danger you got us with that action?! " She said to me and I patted her shoulder.

"Dont worry! Knuckles got it!" She looked at me depressed. And I looked proud till I had thought about what I just said. Then I face-palmed my self...

With Nebula:

Nebula's POV:

I was fighting this sons of a ***** and those metal butts and it seemed like it would never stop. My energy wasnt as powerfull as in the past and my guns dont have much bullets anymore. It was like we couldnt win this time. But just as I was about to catch breath I heard a fämilliar voice.

"Well, well, well, if it isnt my beloved Nebula! Sexy as ever, arent you?" I turned around with the darkest death glare I have ever made.

It was Scourge. My stupid and pervert ex-boyfriend. I really liked him till I found out that he was evil and that he cheated on me with Fiona Fox, his now girlfriend I think.

"Scourge! Why are you here? I thought you would go and break hearts of other womans?" I asked and was in fight position.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! I think you dont know me very well, do you?" He smirked at me and got a gun out.

"I think I know you well enough to know that you are a heartless a** that not even cares about the ones he maybe loves." I heardhim laughing dark and I began to charch at him. But he grabbed my arm as I was about to knock him out and he smashed me to the ground.

"You know, I dont like to fight girls!"

"Well, then its hard for you to fight against yourself, huh?" This time, I began to smirk but this got him upset. He charched at me and I wasnt fast enough to escape his grip. I was now pressed against his belly and he had his chin on my left shoulder.

"You're being a bad girl, huh? You know, bad girls need to get punishment." He whispered in my ear but before he could touch my butt with his free hand I kicked in his nuts and he groaned in pain.  I hit him once again. I had revange in my eyes and I wanted to actually kill him.

"NEBULA!! STOP!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!" I heard Amy scream and I looked over to see that she pointed to Cream who was trying to get out of a grip of a troll. I didnt wanted to listen to her and was about to kick Scourge again. "NEBULA!! THIS IS AN ORDER!!" I heard her again but I couldnt let Scourge alone.

Suddendly someone came beside me and I kind of blushed as I rcognized who it was. "I will take care of him!" said Shadow and I nodded before I took a glance at Scourge once again, who was crawling at the ground groaning and whining. I enoyed seeing him like this but I fast runned to Amy to help Cream.

With The other Freedome Fighters:

Author POV:

All the Freedome Fighters were fighting against the robots and monsters even when Amy was angry at them. They were THE Freedome Fighters. They had to help. While Sally, Sonia and Manic tried to destroy the robots and monster, the others tried to protect the chaos emerald.

Knuckles held it tight in his big arms and hits the robots with his other. Suddendly he saw a big man flying in a robot with a hat where was writing: 'ice cream'.

"Ice Cream! Who wants a yummy ice cream! It costs only one emerald!" He said and Knuckles tail suddendly began to wag.

"ME!! ME!!" He said and ran to the man.

"Okay, my boy! I just need the emerald and you get the best ice cream we have!" Knuckles began to jump like a wild dog and looked in his hand.

Should I? I mean, this emerald is really important! But my belly is important too!, he thought and handed the emrald to the man who laughed evily.

"Thanks, you idiot!" He laughed and flew away. Knuckles realized that it was Eggman and that he was tricked.


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