Chapter 29

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Narrator's POV:

"You heard amy! We need to look for the other emeralds!" meant Tails proud and the others tried to smile.

"And where are they?" asked Manic who had his head in his hands, not really wanting to go without his sister. Even when she could annoy him very much he loved her.

"Ehhh....Heh....I havent figured that out yet..." meant Tails emberassed what made everyone groan. "Its not my fault! Knuckles used my locator to look for the nearest ice cream shop the whole time!" protested Tails and pointed to Knuckles who was still trying to find a ice cream shop. Sonic grabbed the locator out of Knuckles' hands who whimpered as Sonic gave it to Tails who thanked him.

"Whats wrong with you and your Ice Cream?!" asked Sonic annoyed to a crying Echidna.

"When Im stressed than I need Ice Cream!" he whined and held his head with his hands. No one could handle his crying right now.

"Are we really fighting over Ice Cream?!" yelled a sad Cream who had enough. She was even more stressed than Knuckles was and that meant something.

"Sorry..."whispered Knuckles and Sonic at the same time and glared at each other with crossed arms. Cream sighed as Tails made wide eyes. It seemed like he was squealing like a little girl that got her plushy she always wanted.

"YES!!!"He screamed happier than before, leaving the others confused. He danced around them and it annoyed the others very much.

"What?!" hissed Sally who only wanted to go home and sleep.

"I know where the last 4 emeralds are! And they are all at the same place!" He squealed again what made everyone shocked.

"Really? Where?!"

"Its some village called Minichore! There is a exhibition for long time artefacts. There they must be!" He exclaimed and pointed to the red circle on his locator. The others had wide eyes. They only needed to go there and they could finally destroy Mephiles!

"And how long will it take till we are there?" asked Sally, who held her foot because they hurted so much. Well, typical princess.

"Well, since we lost the X-Tornado somewhere....4 days." explained Cream and Sally and the other girls groaned.

"Why are we still standing here? Lets go!" meant Manic excited and began to run until Tails stopped him.

"Well, you can go in that direction and die after you fell off a cliff or you go in the right direction and find the emeralds." He explained to him and pulled him to the other direction before he would really fall off a cliff.

"Oh, Sorry." Manic blushed at this and followed the others.

Sonic walked in the front, not even shwoing one emotion. He didnt had a reason to smiled as long as Amy was gone. It was kinda his fault after all. And he hoped the Sonic from the other dimension wouldnt dare to touch his Amy. Or even kiss her before he could. He shivered at the thought. Well, maybe she will come back earlier than he thought.

"Sonic, you ok?" asked his best Budyy trying to cheer him up a bit.

"Yeah, I just hope Ames is ok." He sighed and crossed his arms around his chest. Suddendly he heard Tails chuckling.

"This girl got you really bad, doesnt she?" He laughed a bit what made Sonic blush.

"Whatever..." mumbled Sonic and walked faster to get away from this two-tailed fox. It was actually true, this girl got him more than bad...

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