Chapter 41

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Sonic's POV:

Kathy explained to us all these weird visions she had and that they may be true, and after that what she told us, it cant be good. I mean, we really need to get back or we will all be dead. I wasnt that scared, i was often in siuations like this and I knew we could get through it, we always do.

"We cant do it in time when we have to walk. And we are even more slow because Ched has to carry Kathy! WE WILL DIE!!" How I hate this princess, Im sorry but Sally can go on my nerves. We will just ask our smartest team members and we will find a way, like we always do.

"Well, I have an idea but it is risky..." All our heads turned to Tails who had his hinger on his chin. He pulled out a bag and looked through it.

"Would you tell us?" I asked while rolling my eyes and keeping a close eye at Amy, in fear that she would be gone again. He pulled out a few mini balls which looked like marbles.

"Well, I call them Change-your-place Balls because, like the name says, they let you change your place. You just have to think of a place or a person you want to go and then tread on it and you will appear there. But its very risky, because if anyone thinks of a different place or anything he will appear there and there is only ONE Ball for each person so..." He xplained and pointed to one of the balls. They werent bigger than Tails' hand but they seemed very heavy.

"We will do it." I said with a grin and grabbed the one in Tails' hand and realized that they were really heavy. Sally came running out of the crowd and grabbed me by my chest fur, what wasnt much so it was hard for her to hold onto it.

"NO WAY!! You have brought us into enough trouble already! We cant risk to loose anyone else again!" She hissed at me and was about to slap me...But a hand stopped her. I looked up to see Amy holding Sally's hand back from my face what kinda made me blush. Amy was glaring at the shocked Sally and pushed her away from me.

"Sally! We all know it is risky but there is no reason to SLAP anyone! I know you're a princess and all but as princess you should know best that voilence is no way get through life! And besides, do we have a other choice? I mean, there is no way we will get to Emi and the kingdom in time so I say that we should try it aswell." She said and pushed Sally into the arms of Mina and Rouge who looked dissapointed at Sally. Sally had still wide eyes while I was blushing, smiling goofily at Amy while she didnt looked at me.

"Amy's right." We all looked shocked at Sonia as she took a ball along with Amy and they walked up to me and stood beside me. I looked down to see Amy smiling at me which I gladly returned. To be honest, she is the greates leader in the history of the whole world.

"I agree." Nebula and Shadow walked up to us and took a ball from Tails hand, and they were actually holding hands as they stood beside us.

"I-i-i d-d-do it too." We heard Kathy whispering as she came out from the group while still being carried by Ched who smiled at us. He took two balls and laid one in Kathy's lap. After time to time the others were agreeing to do it, except one little annoying and stubborn princess.

"You're all suicidal! What if we really loose someone?!" She hissed at Amy who just chuckled at her reaction and having her hands on her hips.

"Then we will handle it. I mean, we are the Freedome Fighters after all, right?" I looked shocked at her. She didnt wanted to know about the Freedome Fighters for years and finally admits that she is one too. I smiled at her as and began to blush, kinda happy that I had a part of my old Ames back. Sally's eyes twitched as she groaned and snatching a ball aswell, standing next to us while glaring at Amy.

"Fine, but I will yell at you if something goes wrong!" She said and I gave her a death glare before mumbling.

"You always yell at us..." I heard Amy giggling while slightly looking at me. It was like my old Ames was finally looking back at me and not the grumpy leader Amy, who was angry at him for some reasons I still didnt knew.

"Ok, you all think of Emi now, alright? And Knuckles, dont you dare to think of Ice Cream!" She hissed over at him as he saluted at her and made a proud presence as if he was the greatest guy on the world but we all know that was me.

"Got it!" He smiled at her before we all threw our balls on the ground as I began to concentrate and think of a black-red, weird feminine Hedgehog who was somewhere different and far away from us.

"Ok guy, I count to three. One...Two...THREE!!" On three we all thread on the balls, making them split and leaving shattered pieces on the ground. I felt like I was flying as I looked down to see my body slowly fading in the air. I didnt freaked out like Sally and Manic just did, no, I knew it was a part from the travelling. What did Sally thought? That we were riding on unicorns till we reach the horizont? Ha, typical princess.

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