Chapter 10

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Tails' POV:

"That leads me to my next question: Who is the leader?" asked Sonic again and we reached some kind of base in this clan. She opened the door and we gasped.

"This is our leader:A-" She began but we cut her off.



Sonic's POV:

I coudnt believe my eyes. The girl I have waited for to see was finally infront of my eyes. But she looked different. More mature and grown up. And a bit sexy too. That doesnt mean I hated the look of the old Amy!

 That doesnt mean I hated the look of the old Amy!

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She looked at us shocked but sad too. She crossed her arms and turned to us. "Well, Well, Well, if it arent the legendary Freedome Fighters!" She said with sarcasm in her voice. But I didnt cared so much about it. I just cared that she was here. There infront of my eyes. I rsn over and spinned her around the room. "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! PUT ME DOWN!!" She screamed and I put her back on the ground.

"You know each other?" asked Cream behind me and I turned to her.

"Yeah, they were my friends." Amy hissed and I looked shocked to her. She wasnt like the old one. "Why are you even here?" She asked us and crossed her arms once again. I began to sweat and my heart beated fast at that moment.

"The Tornado crashed...again..." Sally glared at Tails who shrugged with a emberassed face. Yeah, we just crashed last month as Tails and me wanted to fly a bit to get my mind away from Amy.

"And now you are here to annoy me?" Amy asked us rude what shocked me a bit.

"No, we are just stuck here till the tornado is fixed again." I told her and she turned around to a other purple Hedgehog but she had more light fur. Her eyes were blue and she hadnt as long quills as the other one.

"Tell Gared and Michael to look for material for the plane and they have to fix it again. But please, as fast as possible." She told her and the Hegdheog nodded. She left without saying a word and Amy turned to us again.

"Who was that?" I asked her and she looked sternly at me.

"This was my sister Lucie." My eyes widened. She never told me she had one and I thought we were that close that she would tell me everything. And they doesnt even look like each other!

"Amy, all these were here?" I asked her and she had a sad expression again. I know the others never cared about that but it was important for me.

"Yeah! And I learned to fight better and I trained my brain. After I graduated my fight school I became the leader after Cream signed me in."

"Why didnt you told me that you leave?" I asked her again and she turned away.

"You dont have to know everything, Sonic The Hedgehog. And now excuse me, I have to do my job. Cream? Please lead them to their tents." She said and left again. I was happy but confused too. She changed so much I couldnt recognize her anymore. That doesnt mean I dont love her anymore, I just dont feel the same around her.

"TENTS?! WE HAVE TO SLEEP IN TENTS?!" Sally screamed creepily and runned around the room. "I cant sleep there! There are animals everywhere and-and after I slept there my hair is messy!" That is called to be a drama-queen. I mean she is a animal and it isnt that bad to sleep in one of these.

"Girls..." I rollsed my eyes at her and followed the ream girlagain but still thinking about Amy. Even when she is here, I miss her...

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