Chapter 46 - THE FINAL 4

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Sonic's POV:

I saw it....

Her point of view....

The reason why she left me...


Amy was sitting on her bed, her old 13-year old self was calling someone.

?????: Aww come one, Amy! I really miss you and Cream too! Please come back.

I knew this voice from somwhere.

Amy: You know my answer. I cant leave my friends here. They would miss me.

?????: Could you atleast think about it?

Amy: *sigh* Ok, we will see, but I think no. Bye!

The next thing I saw was how shocked Amy was as she saw the anniversary party of the Freedome Fighters. I still feel bad that I forgot about Ames. She sneeked in and listened to two teenager Fighters.

"Did you hear about the Fight yesterday? Everyone is talking about this Amy-girl!" Amy looked happy at first until they contuined.

"Yeah, I heard about her. This little, weak and ugly thing...Why was she not here again?"

"Khan said that Nicole shouldnt tell her about this here. He said she isnt really a part of us and she doesnt belong here. He said she is only in Team because she is a friend of Sonic." I saw Amy walking away from them, and heading to the corner where me and Sally stood, the regretting memories of our Dating Time. Amy wwas shocked at first too and ran away, and threw all her things that had to do with the Freedome Fighters into her fireplace.

3 years later:

Amy was sitting in her Base, probably already the leader of the the Black Rose clan. She was holding a picture of me and her when we were little, she riding on my back with a bright smile and my hands on her legs with a bright smile. Tears were coming out of her eyes and she began to sob as the picture fell out of her hand.

Another 3 years later:

"I knew you would be here." Amy was sitting on a tree as Cream came up to her while Amy looked like she was thinking. "This Sonic guy talks about you, you know." She said smirking.

"Who cares..." She mumbled and crossed her arms.

"Its ok that you love him." Suddendly Amy began to blush and frowned even more.

"I dont love him...He is just...a friend..."

End of Flashback

"Does that mean...she loves me?" I asked Tikal who was still beside me and she smiled down at me. I was a bit shocked at this, I always thought she hated me.

"Yes, my son. She always did. When shenleft she was heartbroken and felt betrayed that you didnt even told her that you were dating the princess. But when time flews by she never got over you. She tried everything, she even wanted Cream to build a machine that will destroy her memories."

"That's true!" meant Cream who was still having Amy on her lap.

"This poor girl had to through so much and after she saw you again, she felt even more broken than before. She pretended to hate you but to be honest she didnt." After that sentence, Tikal giggled. "Young love, isnt it sweet?" She giggled again before she saw me glaring at her.

"BUT NOW SHE IS DEAD!!!" I yelled at her, but she didnt flinched a bit.

"Oh, my dear..." She shaked her head in frustration. "Why do you think Im here? Just to small-talk?" She giggled again and went down and took amy to fly beside her. "This young lady gave her life to save her friends and loved ones. She even freed Mephiles' real self what no other person could do. She did so much for you all, without wanting a repayment. She deserves a second chance at life. I mean, if not her, who else, right?" She giggled again as she looked at the lifeless body of my ames and I was going to grab her until Tikal did something. "Oh dear God of Death, Please give us back our loved one. Our Amy Rose, Our hero. Give her a second chance at life and give her back to us. We want her all back, this strong-hearted and lovely person. GIVE HER BACK!!" As Tikal yelled the last words, Amy began to glow. It was like in one of these adventure movies but in real life. After she did some circles in the air, Amy slowly came down to the ground, flying right into my arms. I kneeled down and laid her on the ground.

"Ames? Please wake up..." I whispered as I smiled as I saw her breathing. "I love you..." I whispered in her ear as I heard her grunting.

"S-s-so....nic..." She slowly opened her eyes and everybody began to cheer. Cream, Sally and Sonia were crying in joy while the others were hugging each other.

"AMES!!!" I yelled and hugged her as tight as I could and without me knowing, I pressed my lips against hers. I quickly let go of the kiss as I felt her not kissing back. She looked at me with wide eyes as we both blushed as hell. But then she took my cheek, pulled my head down and kissed me. It was a soft and passionate kiss and as I kissed back I didnt saw the other girls awwing at us and the boys gacking at us.

1 Week later:

The kingdom was free again. The whole kingdom came together and celebrated and danced for full four days. The king was the king again and Emi and Kathy were fine again. While all the kingdom cheered, I saw Sally and Khan flirting with each other, Shadow and Nebula aswell and Cream and Tails were talking about some machines.

And even Knuckles finally got his Ice Cream!

What happend to Eggman, you may ask? Well, since the war nobody saw him ever again.

Yep, the whole kingdom was happy but not compared to the happiness I felt. I finally got everything I wanted: My Freedome, my old Life and the girl of my dreams by my side.

We werent on the celebration like the others, no, me and Amy were watching as the firework came up to the sky at a hill, a bit far away from the village. Amy was smiling again too. She was my old Ames again and I loved her.

What happens in my and Amy's realationship?

That's a way different story....



Hi, my friends. This is it. The last Chapter of this story is written. Im so happy you were reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed it to write this story, really, and I cant wait to write my other story. I hope you will look for them too.





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