Chapter 23

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Author's POV:

While the glorious heros of our story were off to save the world, the bad guys of this story had a evil plan. (No story without any bad guys!)

"YOU IDIOT!!" Mephiles threw a rock at Eggman's head but he dodged it. "YOU LOST THE EMERALDS!!!" he screamed at him and smashed everything in this room. Eggman shivered and hid in a corner.

"I-i-i-it was a accident! And besides...y-y-you are powerfull! Y-y-you can beat them up!" tried Eggman to stutter out only to get a punch in the stomach.

"I CANT BEAT THEM UP IF THEY HAVE THE SEVEN CHAOS EMERALDS!!" He screamed down at him and his eyes formed to flames.

"M-m-m-maybe we can bring a spy to them?" Eggman suggested while fiddeling with his fingers.

Suddendly Mephiles' eyes began to shine. Mephiles felt his blood raise up as he began to have a vision. With shock he realized that this pink Hedgehog with purple ends (Kathy) he fighted once was with his enemys. How he could see her? Well, thats a long story. He chuckled darkly as he turned to the frightened Eggman.

"I dont think this should be needed." He said and went up to one of Eggman's big computers. He made a scratch in it and looked at the screen waiting for something.

"HEY!! EVEN WHEN YOU ARE MY BOSS, YOU CANT THREAT MY COMPUTERS LIKE THAT!!" screamed Eggman in anger. Mephiles threw a blast at him but again he dodged it.

"SHUT UP, YOU RODENT!!" He screamed and looked at the screen again. Then the pictures he saw in his mind was now on the screen.

"How did you do that?" asked Eggman confused. "And how can you let this rats appear on the screen?" He asked again and Mephiles didnt turned to him. He pointed to the pink Hedgehog again.

"Well, you see this rodent? I once fighted her. She even made me bleed. And as I scratched her my blood dropped into her blood. Now its like we are one person except that she is still as innocent as ever. So I am able to see everything she sees." He explained to him and smirked evilly. Im brilliant!, he thought to himself. Eggman went beside Mephiles to see where their enemys were heading.

"Macanic flirt? Isnt that a casino? Why should they head there?" asked Eggman to Mephiles who hit his head. Eggman felt his head almost crashing from all the hits he got this day.

"To get the Emeralds, you idiot! And I thought you would be helpfull!" Mephiles whined and rushed out the room. Eggman tried to catch up but because he was too fat he couldnt run that fast.

"Im not a idiot! I have a IQ of 200!" He said to himself to give him confidents again.

                                           ~With our Heros~

Amy's POV:

"NOOO!!!!" I laughed a bit as Kathy screamed in frustration. It was actually a Casino where the next emeralds are, the place where Kathy hoped not to go. I saw Manic rubbing his hands together with lustfull eyes.

"JACKPOT!! So many hot chicks!" He smirked to himself. He was such a pervert! I saw Sonia hitting the back of his head as Sally walked up to me. I looked at her with my glare everyone knew.

"What now? We cant go in there! The most of us are too joung!" she told me and I sighed.

"I dont believe I would ever say this but...Rouge you got to make up us..." I sighed and saw Rouge's face lighten up. She squealed with excitment and dragged us girls to a alley to surprise the boys. I dont have a boy to impress but she had to make up me after all.

2 hours later:

Puhh! FInally we were done. I saw the boys sleeping what made me giggle a bit. As we walked up to them their eyes suddendly jumped up to us. They stunned. I wouldnt say that I looked that sexy. I saw Sonic almost fainting but I just walked past him. I would make myself liek it I was before Rouge did my make up. I totally looked like a slut. I think that Emi hated her look aswell coz she tried to run away from herself. Ok, thats weird.


Hi! I know this part is terrible but its hard to write a good story with a broken arm. Well, I hope you still read it and have a rocking weekend!


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