Chapter 44 - THE FINAL 2

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Nebula's POV:

"Seems like you got a new boyfriend! Should I be jealous?" Oh, how I wish that I crush in his stupid face. Why does it always has to be Scourge?! Cant be a fighter for any other villian?!

"First, He is not my Boyfriend and Second: SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU JERK!" I yelled and charched at him and tried to hit his face but it seems like he is faster than me, he bends down and grabbed my leg to twirl me in the air. Before he crashed me to the ground, I felt someone grabbing me by my waist, putting me to the back but I still defend myself to not get crushed by another monster and then I felt it warm around us.

I turned around, seeing Shadow with a flamethrower and ash where Scourge's sunglasses were laying in. Did he....Burned Scourge?! Ok, I know I wanted him to die but that was a bit brutal dont you think? I never know what to think of that guy. Hopefully he wont burn me! Wait, WHY AM I IN LOVE WITH A SICK PSYCHO?!

"Got you Motherfu***r!" He laughed as I went beside him to look at the ash.

"Couldnt you have done that sooner?"

Amy's POV:

"The Kingdom isnt yours as long as I live!" I protested and kept on fighting. I didnt had a choice after all but my bones felt tired.

"I dont think that will be long anymore!" He said and snapped with his fingers and suddendly...

Everything stopped moving....

Nobody made a move and even the monsters were stopped. It was like as if you were the fastest thing alive. Now I know how Sonic feels.

"Dont you see? You're causing death to everyone!" He told me and pointed to my other soldiers. Some monsters were pushing weapons in their chests, making me speachless. If they wouldnt be coming with me, they wouldnt be dead. "So many hearts that get broken if their wifes know that their husbands are dead. And its all your fault." For the first time in Life, he was right. I felt so guilty. I wanted to go back to the past and stop me from getting into this with my soldiers. All those womans who cry after their husbands. "And even the ones you love cant survive long." I looked over to see Cream trying to struggle out of a monsters grip while Sonic was tryingto move out of the way of a falling robot. "So its no use for you to survive, huh? Face it, YOU are the reason why we even have this war."

"That's not true..." I whispered with my clenched teeths and my balled fists. I looked once again to Sonic who didnt moved since the time was standing still. "The only reason we're having this war is because of you and your obsession of power. YOU were the one who killed thousand of people and turned them into monsters, You were the one who locked the king away, YOU were the one who planned to destroy the kingdom, YOU are the one who is gonna die in the end. I wont let you kill any other persons, even when it means that I will die. Im here to stop you and only you, because you are the monster here. Maybe in the past people called you weak and pathetic but killing people just proofs it even more. Revenge isnt the right thing even when it makes you happy. Because of you we all have to suffer. Even Eggman doesnt likes you...well, he doesnt likes anyone but still, if you dont stop I have no other choice but kill you with everything I have." I glared at him and he just got red in the face.

"YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING OF ME!!!" He screamed and began to fly towards me. I dodged his attack and began to run right to Cream who had the seven chaos emeralds in her bag. But before I could reach it, Mephiles attacked me again, making me fall to the ground. I saw him forming a plasma ball with his hands and blasted it towards me. But as quick as I am I dodged it again and finally grabbed the bag. I threw the emeralds in the air, got into fight position and raised my voice as loud as I could.

"CHAOS EMERALDS!!! DESTROY!!!!!" I yelled and pointed my hands towards Mephiles who looked at me shocked and screamed as the blast that came out of the emeralds who were flying in a circle above me.


And suddendly...

Everything was white...

I was flying in the air, almos unconscious but I was still awake enough to see nothing around me. I slowly fully opened my eyes and couldnt believe what I saw infront of me. It was Mephiles, but...

He looked happy...

"Thank you, my child. You finally let me rest in peace." I was a bit confused as he began to fly in the air and dissappering as infront suddendly came a picture.


A little boy, who looked like Mephiles in young, was playing along with his mother. She was throwing him in the air and catching him after that again. Mephiles was so happy and not evil at that time. Not yet. Suddendly his mother stopped and her vision got blurry.

"Mommy? Everything alright?"  the little boy asked with worried eyes, grabbing his mother's leg. She just smiled down at him.

"Yes, my boy. I'll just lay down a bit. You can stay outside and play, ok?" The little boy nodded as his mother went in their house, leaving him alone, playing with a ball. Suddendly a group of kids were coming towards him. They were his bullys that always came whenever he was alone.

"Oh, look guys. Its the weakling!" One of the boys, who seemed to be the leader, meant, making everybody laugh.

"Im not a weakling! My mommy said Im the strongest boy on earth!"  the little boy protested making the others laugh even more.

"Awww! So you're really a Mommy-Baby! Then go ahead! You're nothing without your mother! I hope she dies!"  One of the guys said, making Mephiles gasp. And with thatm they were gone. The little boy was running inside his house, just wanting the comfront of his mother. He went to the living room to see his mother sleeping on the couch. With tears in his eyes he tried to wake her up.

"Mommy? Can I talk to you?" He shaked and shaked her but she wouldnt wake up. "Mommy?! Mommy!" He shaked her harder but her eyes were still closed. He put his head on her chest, but he didnt heard anything. Not one little heartbeat. "MOMMY!!! WAKE UP!!! PLEASE!!!" He was crying out of sadness, but out of Anger too. He stopped shaking her. He knew it was too late. But still he was sobbing. "I promise you, Mommy. They will pay, they all will."

The picture changed:

The little boy was on his way to Tikal, one of the mightiest Mobians on this planet. When he arrived, he was angry, no, he was obsessed. Obsessed with the thought of revenge.

"GIVE ME THE POWER TO DESTROY THEM ALL!! I WANT THEM ALL TO DIE!!" He screamed to her. As wise as she was, she just chuckled at the little boy, not knowing in what she got with her action.

"Power? You must know to have power you need to pay a high prize." She calmly said and smiled down at the naiv boy.


"Well then. I'll give you what you want." She pointed to Mephiles and he suddendly flew in the air. "The prize you'll have to pay...." He began to change and his ears began to shine brightly. It seems like he is getting older. " your memories..." Mephiles' eyes widened and it seemed like he didnt wanted to do that anymore.

"W-what?! WAIT!!! NO!!!" And with that, the little Mephiles with the biggest heart on earth turned ro Mephiles, the death of the world.

End of Vision

I didnt excpected that. Well, I hope he's with his mother. But still, it feels like I cant move my body. And as soon as the vision stopped....

Everything went black...

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