Alno Cuddles

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Alya and Nino had just gone to bed. They had a bit of an argument but all Nino said before laying down was "I love you and good night."

You see they have a very good relationship but Alya has been working so much that Nino is worried about her. So there was him explaining why she should take a vacation and her denying it. Then Nino snapped at her, telling her to shut up and listen. But he instantly regretted it.

They sat in silence for a few hours before going to bed.
Alya instantly fell asleep when her head settled into the pillow. But Nino still felt terrible. So he turned to the brunette and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry Al's. I'm just worried about you." He kisses her forehead and buries his head in her bust falling asleep while smiling at her warmth.

Later that night Alya woke up alittle and huffed at how cold she was. She turned to Nino who had his back to her. She scooted towards him and wrapped her arms around his torso and Tangled her legs with his. Laying there thinking of what she heard earlier while only half asleep. "I love you too dj." And she was asleep.

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