sneak attack

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This is a really cute idea I had after crying over the last chapter. 😅 u go!

Marinette was sitting on her balcony and watching the view from below. It was quiet but lonely; and she kinda wished a certain cat would visit her.

Suddenly a tap was felt on her left shoulder. She looked to her left and saw nothing, so she looked to her right only to be kissed right on the nose by none other than chat noir.

"Ch-chat?!" She grabs her face to cover the spot he kissed and to cover her blush, (failing miserably). With a grin he jumps down on to his feet. "Yes purrincess?" He asked; while purring out her pet-name.

She puts her hand on his face and shoves him into the rail, forcing him to panic and slip on to his butt. She laughs a light and bubbly laugh untill she opens her eyes to be face to face with chat's striking greens.

"That doesn't count as a sneak attack princess." He looks up at the sky, making her curious. She looks up also, giving chat the purr-fect moment. He quickly leaned in right as she looked back at him and there lips met.

It was sweet and bashful at first; but became passionate after a few seconds. There lips lingered over each other for a few more seconds until they needed air. Chat put his forehead against her's and smiled. "Looks like your my girl princess." She grinned at him, mischeveously quirking her eyebrow. "Am I chat? I cant remember saying that." 

He pouts at her before hugging her, which she instantly hugs back. After a few minutes of holding her close, Marinette leans towards chats ear and whisper's, " je'teime​ Mon chatton" (I love you my kitty).

  he blushes a few hundred shades of red and picks her up in a hug, spinning her around. "I love you too! My lady." She looks confused. "Isn't ladybug your lady?" He smiles warmly at her. "She will always be my partner and best friend, but You are my love, so you are my lady." 

She looks at him with a serious look. "Would you love me if I was both?" Not comprehending what she means, he looks at her in curiosity. " If I told you I was ladybug would you still love me?" Chat nods and nussles her effectionatly. "I'll love you no matter what."

She giggles due to him nudging her in a ticklish spot. "Spots on." In a flash of red, Marinette was now ladybug. Chat was bewildered and ecstatic. "My lady, my buggaboo, my princess...are all the same?! How could I not see it?"

He asks out loud while caressing ladybugs cheeks. He pulls her into a tight hug, she de-transforms  and he chuckles before saying quietly, "claws in." chat became Adrien, now surprising Marinette.

"Adrien?!" She stands there dumbfounded and blushing madly. She grabs him by the shirt and hugs him tightly. "I'm so in love with you!" She states rather loudly. Then, realizing she said it out loud, her blush grew, and so did adrien's.

"Your not disappointed it was me?" She backs up and wacks him on the top of the head. "Why the hell would I be disappointed?! Your sweet, friendly, kind, generous, smart, witty, and funny as hell! Even though I wouldn't admit it, I like some of your jokes...not the puns though. But I'm definitely willing to deal with them or the rest of my li-....forget I just said that."

He chuckles and hugs her. "No, I really look forward to spending the rest of my life with you." He turns her face and pecks her on the lips. "I have to go, but I'll visit you tomorrow m,lady." She nods and hugs him softly. "Claws out."

He jumps off her roof and into the night, both awaiting the next time they see each other.

AN: welp! Love y'all!!!! 😁

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