obsessive pt2

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AN: Yeah, I know this is way late, but to be honest, I forgot about the first part of it until last night I was up late, due to reasons, so I read some of my chapters. That's when I realized this chapter has been over due for a few months now. 😅...😑sorry. 😌 Anyway I hope you will love this because this will be huge!😆

(With Marinette)

Marinette sat on her bed reading the love letter over and over again, trying to process the contents. Chat wasn't obsessive, he was in love with her?! But why? Why her of all the other better looking, smarter, and less clumsy girls out their, he just had to choose her?! With a sigh, she reread the letter.

Hey Purrincess,

I want you to know that your cuteness is beyond compare. The fact that you claim to be my number one fan makes me bubbly from head to tail. To tell you the truth, I'm infatuated with you. That's an understatement actually. I can't stand the thought of you liking someone else. So I guess you could say that I am a jealous kitten 😸. I love you Marinette Dupain Cheng. Your absolutely adorable, paw-sitively sassy, and out right unique. Your blue-black hair rivals that of a new moon night sky, your eyes are sparkling blue bells, and your smile outshines even the brightest of stars. If you will let me, I would be more than ecstatic to treasure every aspect of your existence.

                           With love,
                 Chat Noir

When the words finally started to sink in, Marinette was thinking of many ways to apologise to him, tell him her feelings, and tell him who she was.

That's when she made up the best plan that ladybug had ever made. Something that would surprise him, make up for their little fall-out, and make him aware of her feelings towards of him.

The next time an akuma had rampaged through the streets, Ladybug was excited. When she saw chat though, her stomach churned. He looked exhausted, depressed, and completely drained of any will to fight. "Hey chatton, I think the akuma is in her bracelet." He slowly nodded but didn't look any more ready to fight. "Let's get this over with." He muttered before jumping in to battle. Ladybug just held back the sudden urge to cry.

(Time skip)

Akuma defeated, and Paris cleansed of all damage, chat held his fist up lazily for a fist bump. Ladybug just grinned at him and pulled him by his wrist into a hug.

"L-Ladybug?" He asked, bewildered. "Shh, and just follow me." She whispered sweetly into his ear, before releasing him and booping his nose. Cautiously, he vaulted across Paris with his batton towards the spot ladybug had just landed.

"Ladybug? What exactly are we doing? We need to go hide before we change back." She smiled while shaking her head no. Slowly she approached him and grabbed his hands. "I'd first like to apologise for my words the last time we saw each other. I don't look at you as a Ferrell cat." As she stated this, she confused chat alot more, until her earrings detransformed ladybug into Marinette. "Your my chatton, and I love you too."

Just as she said this, she leaned in to plant her lips softly on his. They were warm and just slightly chapped, but she didn't care. She finally said what she wanted to. When she leaned back, he backed up with wide eyes that began to water. She began to feel as though she did the wrong thing and started thinking of all the worst possible scenarios. But just as she began to apologise and leave, chat spoke.

"I'm so sorry!- I shouldn't have acted the way I did the other night. I was foolish and inconsiderate of your feelings, and I hope you will forgive me." He stated before he dropped his head.

Forgive him? Didn't she just basically show him her feelings and express her full forgiveness to him?! She laughed and lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You idiot! Of course I forgive you! I love you so much you stupid cat!"

Those words alone hit him like a ton of bricks and he collapsed on the roof with Marinette on top of him, as he blushed, he held onto her for dear life. He hadn't used cataclysm yet, so his Miraculous still has alot of time. "Hey Mari, let's go home." She nodded and got up while giggling at his red features that he used the excuse of him crying caused it. With one quick swoop, she was in his arms, and he was bounding for her bakery.

Once inside and sitting on the bed, everything got quiet. "Can I...um...show you? Who I am, I mean." He asked nervously. She giggled and took his hand. "I'll still love you, no matter who is under that mask. Unless your hawkmoth." She stated with fake seriousness, making both of them laugh.

This was reassurance. Reassurance that it was still the same two people who have talked for months every evening about anything and everything. Be it ladybug or Marinette, it was the same adorable girl who was really sassy and really shy all in the same body. And it was still the same boy, be it Chat noir, or the civilian under the mask.

Slowly, chat reached for his ring and pulled it off his finger. As a bright light surrounds them, Marinette shields her eyes. After a few seconds, soft and warm hands grasp Marinette's, that were shielding her eyes. Pulling them down, the bluenette's eyes open, then widen at the sight of Adrien Agreste, sitting in her bed right in front of her. "A-Adrien?!" She asks, bewildered. He chuckled and nods lightly. "Surprise?"

She starts laughing again but starts crying too. Adrien sits there staring at her broken form. "Princess?" She rapidly shakes her head no and tries to stop crying and laughing. "No, I'm okay. I'm very super okay!" She scoots towards him and pulls him into a hug. She hugs his head closer to her, trying to catch her breathing.

To think that the kitten under the mask, has always been Adrien Agreste. The one who was always lonely was right in front of her in class, always near yet just out of arms reach.

With one final sigh, she leans back and smiles, wiping away the last of her tears. Adrien watched her with caution, not know what was wrong. "M,lady? If your okay, why are you crying?" She looks into his eyes and takes his hand.

"To think, that my kitten, has sat behind me all this time, knowing I was right behind him, and he couldn't do anything about it. You've been hurting chat, your in pain Adrien, I know your lonely at home, and I only made it worse when I said those mean things to you."

She looked down in shame for a moment, then looked up into his eyes with a smile. "Let me be your sunshine kit-". Before she could finish her statement, Chat grabbed her gently by the cheeks and pressed his lips passionately to hers. For a second she blushed, but soon enough she melted shyly into the kiss, cupping his jaw with her hands. After he released her face and backed away, he smiled at her. "I'm not lonely when you are near Bugginette."

At the pun, the bluenette couldn't help but laugh. She was ecstatic, thrilled, and filled with so much love for this blonde haired green eyes varmit, that there is no way she would ever let him go. Yup, maybe even she was obsessed with him. Just maybe.

An: OMG OMG OMG 1303 words!!!! This is the longest chapter in this book. But I swear to you, they will get longer. I hope you liked this well over due chapter, stay with me lovelies!

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