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Marinette and Adrien finally know about each other's alter egos. Plagg and Tikki are able to see each other now. But the two teens haven't gotten a chance to visit each other, thus making it impossible for plagg and Tikki to see each other. Until today. Adrien walked up the stairs to Marinettes bedroom slowly, trying not to drop the doughnuts he had in a box, and cheese bread on a plate.
It was all plagg could do to not jump out of Adriens jacket and phase through the door just to tackle Tikki into a hug and storm of kisses. His mind never wandered to the cheese bread, all he could think was Tikki.
As Adrien finally opened the bedroom door, plagg raced around the room looking for Tikki. But she was nowhere to be found, not even Marinette. Adrien walked over to Marinettes desk and sat the food down, chuckling all the while at plaggs behavior. "They're on a run, they should be back in a few-" suddenly, ladybug jumped right through the balcony entrance and detransformed, smiling brightly at Adrien and his little set up. "Did you bring Tikki?! Where is she where is she?!" Plagg asked impatiently, while flying ninety miles an hour around Marinette. The bluenette just giggled and pointed at the balcony. Just as quickly as he came, he was gone; through the room, and up to the balcony. "Tikki? Where are you M,lady?" As soon as he spotted her peeking over the edge of a flower pot playfully, he yelled her name and sped over to her; storming her with kisses and nuzzling her with his little cat nose. "Hello plagg!" She stated in her high-pitched voice, hugging the cat kwami with equal eagerness, or close to equal. "I missed you so much!!!" They land on the table, still embracing each other. "Plagg? You can let go any time kitten." He shook his head, hugging her closer. "Let's stay like this for a while." With a light blush and sweet giggle, Tikki wrapped her tiny arms around Plagg, stroking his tiny cat ears lovingly. "I love you Plagg, don't even forget it for a second." He looked into her eyes. "Not in a billion years."

Reunion end

Parting ways:

It was midnight, and time for Adrien to head home from his girlfriend's house. With a loud groan and deep sigh, Plagg got up and out of the little den made for Tikki to sleep. Tikki followed him and hovered in front of him before jumping at him for a hug. "I'll save you some cheddar cheese for next time you visit okay kitten?" She told him lovingly. He chuckled and grinned at her. "I'm okay with that, as long as I can see my buggaboo." He leans towards the smaller kwami and kissed her on the forehead. "Salute M,lady!" Plagg does a bow as he is sucked into his miraculous. As chat noir leaves, Marinette gives Tikki a look. "What?" She states, already knowing what the blue eyed heroin was going to say. "You two are more in love then Adrien and I. That's totally saying something. Tikki smiles at Marinette. "It's because we've known each other for thousands of years. Our love is stronger than time." With that, Marinette awwed; causing Tikki to blush a bright pink. "Marinette you really are silly."

Parting ways, end.


Ladybug and Chat noir just finished with their patrol, and are now heading home. As they both detransform and head to the kitchen, Plagg falls on to Marinettes pillow in exhaustion. "Oh My Gosh I'm dead!!!" He screamed in a dramatic tone. Patrol was a little harder tonight: since there was an Akuma. With a smile, Tikki sat next to Plagg, fluffing the pillow with her tiny paws. Plagg watched her for a moment, untill sleep over came him. When he woke up after thirty minutes, he felt a warmth on his back and head. Looking behind him, he realized Tikki was using him as a pillow. He could hear the faint sound of his holder and Tikki's holder down stairs at the desk talking. With a sigh of content, he turned over carefully and curled himself around Tikki's small form in a protective way, instantly falling back to sleep.

Naps end

Laser pointer

Plagg was confused. Well, that was an understatement. There's a red dot moving around the room like it owns the place, and he just can't catch it. It can move away from him no matter how fast or skillfully he runs at it. It dodges him every single time. Plagg was getting frustrated. With a loud grumble and hiss, plagg sat down and looked around for the dot. Suddenly he could hear the sound of light giggles. He hovered over to the source of the sound, with an unamused look. When he spotted Tikki, she indeed was holding a laser pointer. "How could you woman?!" Plagg asked in fake despair. Tikki just giggled louder and Plagg couldn't help but laugh along with her.

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