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It was a long day of school for Marinette. With finals, bullies, akuma's, etc; she was ready to get home.
Slowly she walked up from behind Adrien, her boyfriend, and placed her forehead in-between his shoulder blades.
He looked back, startled, then laughs lightly at his girl friends actions. "Hey Bugginette, are you tired?" She didn't move, just grunted. "Wanna come over?" She asked, slightly muffled by Adrien's shirt. He bent down and grabbed Marinette behind the knees, lifting her up on to his back. "How bout a piggyback ride home M,lady? And I'd go anywhere as long as you were with me." She sighs and grins from behind his head of fluffy blonde hair. "Your a dork, but thank you chatton." He chuckles and starts walking down the sidewalk to the bakery. After a couple seconds, a question swirled in his mind. "What's got you so down anyway Princess?" She grunted against his shoulder. "It's a new freshman. She thinks she's top dog at school and treats everyone like crap." Adrien hummed in annoyance. "Yeah I know who your speaking of. Just talk to Chloe. I'm pretty sure she'd be more than willing to help out her newest friend." Marinette could sense the wink without even looking at his face. She giggled and nodded against his neck; her bangs brushing his nape. "How was your day kitty?" He bounces, causing her to grip his neck a little tighter. "It was great! This morning, Kim lost a bet that he made for me; Then, this afternoon, my father invited you and I to dinner with him." Her head shot up in excitement, "Really?! When?!" He nervously laughs. "Next weekend." Her face falls; and she lets out a long drawn out sigh. "Kill joy." She mumbles and he just laughs heartily as he picks up his pace, basically jogging.

(Time skip)

When they finally reached the bakery, Marinette's breathing had turned into light snores. Adrien opened the door with his foot, walked in the warm space, and was instantly greeted by a smiling Sabine. "Why hello Adrien and Mari." She whispered as she hugged Adrien and cressed Marinette's cheek with a loving smile. "She's always exhausted after school sometimes. I'll let you head on to her room." Adrien smiled and nodded as he made his way to Marinette's room. He smiled at Tom who was in the living room as he made his way up the stairs. "You have such a kind family." He whispers to no one in particular; as his girlfriend was fast asleep.

After she was laying down and tucked in, Adrien layed down beside her but not under the covers, being respectful of her boundries as they haven't slept in the same bed before. The light shuffling of Adrien getting comfortable woke Marinette; and she smiled sleepily at Adrien who hadn't even noticed she was awake. When his eyes opened, green met blue. Instantly his eyes widen, he flushes a red that rivals Nathaniel's hair, and he roles backwards on to the floor. "I-...I'm sorry Mari! Y...you were so cute I-...I didn't mean to wake you...I just wanted to sit next to you, and I-" Suddenly she starts giggling and swings her legs over the side of the bed. "Adrien, Kitty, you've been coming around long enough to know that if you want to cuddle, just wrap your arms around me and let me use your cheek or shoulder as a pillow." He smiles and nods.

How did he get so lucky? This girl, how did he ever deserve her? Slowly getting up, he towers over her; causing the bluenette to look confused. Without any hesitation, Adrien flops beside her with his arms wrapped around her, pulling her down next to him. "Adrien!" She yelps as he just laughes and nuzzles his forehead against hers. "I love you!" He States, which causes the blue haired girl to blush brightly as this was the first time he actually said it.

Not wanting to rush into anything meant he had to take it slowly like a normal couple; not two people who have known each other for many years now. "I love you too! What took you so long!?" She questioned as her embrace on him got a little tighter. "I-... Idon't know actually. I guess I didn't want to rush anythi-!" He was cut off by her hand on his cheek and Rosy lips capturing his in a sweet kiss.

"I think your a little late on telling me you love me

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"I think your a little late on telling me you love me. We've been dating for six months, and have known each other since freshman year in highschool; so that's three and a half years we've known each other, you dork." She laughs and hugs him closer, if that was even possible.

He sits there in a stunned silence and thinks on her words. If she was okay with him telling her that he loved her, then why didn't he say it earlier? He sure felt dumb.

Slowly he grabs Marinette by the shoulder gently pulling her towards him and kissed her deeply. It was slow and passionate, but also innocent and loving. He had a lot to make up for. There were times he could have kissed her good night, but he didn't.

When he released for air he pecked her lips again before opening his eyes

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When he released for air he pecked her lips again before opening his eyes. "I love you, buginette." She splutters incoherently for a few seconds before gaining her composer and taking his hand. I love you to my piggy." His face instantly contorts into a highly confused and baffled state; and Marinette just laughs like she just herd the joke of the decade. But she probably did and he didn't get it. "Why am I a piggy?!" She laughs so hard she falls backwards on to her cat body pillow; and he just sits with a pout, waiting for her to gain her composer. "Because- (giggling) you gave me a very comfortable piggy back ride home, so you are my piggy!" She states while trying not to laugh at his dumbfounded look. "Haha very funny my little bug."

He grins at Mari and pulls her laughing form into him, hugging her close as he lays against her cat pillow. They fall into a gentle silence, and the only noise that could be heard; was the light snores that came from Marinette as she slept. He chuckled lightly and kissed her temple before settling into a deep sleep.

AN: hey it's been a while but Im not giving any excuses this time. I was to tired to write(type). I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. Leave a comment and vote if you liked this.

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