saved soul

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Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School starts

Adrien's had enough. He can't take it anymore. The hatred, misuse, anger, and frustration. It was all pointed at him- the blame for his mothers disappearance. He transforms into his alter ego and takes off across the Parisian roof tops. "I hate living! why cant he see what hes doing to me?!?!" He yells to no one in particular as he slows to a stand still. Once he catches his breath, he looks up to see where his feet have taken him. Surprisingly- the sweet smell of baked goods calmed him as he realized he was on top of his best friends roof. With a huff, he sits on the rail and hoped the blue haired girl would appear from her room soon.

After an hour had passed the black clad hero began to lose hope of seeing his friend. As he stood up to leave, a slight creek was heard from below him. "Chatton? Why didn't you knock on my window? I've been up hear for hours ". It took only a few seconds for the girl to notice he was shaking and his eyes had dark circles around them. In a sort of hurried step, Marinette grabs chat by his hands and pulls him into a bone crushing hug. He didn't react immediately, he just stood there motionless for a few seconds before he lets out a few sobs, throws one arm around the Marinette and the other hand covers his tear streaked cheeks. "Is it my fault?"

She pulled back and looked at the crushed teenager in front of her. He looked to be her age but also looked so hurt. "You know that it's not. You've never been the cause and you shouldn't ever believe that you are." Slowly she stood up on her tippy toes and kissed the cat clad hero on his soft and warm forehead. "I love you chat, and so does your mother...and my mother😄." With that, chat wraps his arms all the way around her shoulders as to not lose her, and hugs Marinette close to him.

Her hand clutches his arm and she nuzzles his cheek with her forehead. "Thanks, my princess. I have to get home now or my dad will have a cow, or a whole farm, if he finds out I'm gone." Slowly, the blue haired girl nods, and walks closer to him to hug him one last time before the night ends. Before her body could collide with his though, chat used one of his clawed fingers to lift up the girls head gently, and place his lips on her's lovingly. Under his touch, her temperature increases rather quickly and he chuckles behind the girls bashful lips. Slowly she kissed him back and held on to his hand so she wouldn't faint.

After a few seconds, chat backed away, bowed like a prince and then bounded off into the night. Marinette stood there and grinned stupidly for a few seconds before feeling her lips and lowering herself down to the floor of her room so she could scream excitedly into her pillow.

Chat on the other hand was walking a little more happily as he walked away from the view of the bakery. Once he knew he was out of sight, tears of joy poured from his eyes at the feeling of love he's been shown by this one girl as both adrien and Chat.

That night a soul was saved from the devastating fate of many others who are swallowed by depression.


AN hey y'all I'm still alive, just been going through hell this past 14 months it's slowly taken its toll on me and I just don't have any inspiration to write to. This is the last chapter, I know it was partly sad, but eh, that's the best I got. I love and appreciate you all, your votes, and comments. Just remember, no matter what your going through, give somebody a hand when in need. Cause you can never EVER tell what is really going on behind the closed doors of their place of living. 😄😊 Again thank you all who read, commented, and voted on my story. I love you all, and have a good year. 😊

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