say you love me

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An: this one is very short but I got this as a very cute idea from the picture above. Enjoy!

Chloe and Nathaniel were at it again. Arguing about anything and everything. They're finally dating; but they always have playful banter over the littlest of things weather they're in their super hero personas or students in highschool.

"Excuse mua?! Jagged stone doesn't even hold a candle to the most beautiful Parisian singer: Kelly sweet!!!" Chloe shot at her redheaded boyfriend. The whole class even Madame Bustier watched in amusement and adoring silence to see what would happen this time.

Nathaniel scoffed with an evil grin, "oh really? What kind of music does she sing? Rooomance?" He drew out the o as to mock the honey blonde. "Yes! In fact! Her most popular song is je'taime!" "Aww it talks about loving someone forever?"

He bat his eyelashes in a girlish way getting closer to Chloe's now fuming red face. "...yes. yet again, your correct mister know it all tomato head!" He scoffed and moved back, disappointing the whole class that was on the edge of their seats.

"Your one to talk; with your honey blonde hair! Little Miss princ-ass!" Now she was mad. "I bet you wouldn't even say you love me, would you?" Nathaniel paused abruptly, blushing profusely at the sudden change in topic. "What?!"

The class was silent, and Madame Bustier was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Chloe pulled the big guns. "You heard me! Tell me you love me!" Adrien was trying not to aww at the scene going down between his childhood friend and tomato brother.

"I do." He said quietly almost inhaudable that Chloe could just barely hear him. "This isn't our wedding vows! You do what?" She was getting impatient, but held her ground; and waited for him to say those three simple words.

"Okay class let's all go to the courtyard, except Chloe and Nathaniel kurtsburg." Everyone chuckled as Nathaniel and Chloe's cheeks lit up like a Chinese lantern, and slammed the class door shut. Now in complete silence, Chloe grew more irritated. "Will you just say it?! Your causing such a big fuss over three stupid words!"

With narrowed eyes, Nathaniel stared at Chloe in disbelief. "Three stupid words? Chloe, those are the most important words of a relationship. They're the words that will express my entire soul, because nothing can compare to the way you make me feel. You've changed so much over the years, your funny, sweet, caring, adorable, absolutely stunningly gorgeous, and I want to find the right time to tell you those three words. But if you want to hear them, fine!"

With a large breath of air, Nathaniel took Chloe's hands and held them close to him, hoping she'd feel his heart beat as he spoke. "Chloe, since the day we became a crime fighting duo, I knew we were soulmates. I knew that there is no doupt in my mind, heart, and soul that I absolutely do love you."

With that, Chloe shoved his hands away roughly, (much to Nathaniel's confusion), grabbed the collar of his hoodie and yanked him towards her in a sweet kiss. A blush rose to both of their faces as their lips moved in sync, but nothing could compare to the happiness that Chloe felt. She now knew 100% that she was truly loved by someone.

When she pulled away she shoved him in his seat and she sat back against his chest in a cuddle. With a chuckle, Nathaniel rested his chin on top of the (now much shorter) blonde girls head. "I love you too tomato head." He chuckled lightly and nuzzled her closer.

AN: not as short as I thought it would be, but I still hope you liked it!!!

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