do i make you feel safe?

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Marinette and Adrien were having a visit right now. Adrien has been busy with things like: photo shoots, basketball, piano, Chinese, and fencing, that he just couldn't spend much time with his girlfriend. They were in the living room tangled up on the couch watching the princess and the frog, trying to see who can sing more lyrics in all the songs. So far it's a tie, (and they make beautiful singing partners😆), and they're already to mamma odie's tree😆. {I love that cartoon! And I know every lyric to all it's songs!}

They were in the middle of "dig a little deeper", when the lights and tv suddenly went off. The room was silent until Adrien cleared his throat nervously. Marinette snorted then burst with laughter. Adrien held onto her, because, not being able to see his surroundings unnerved him. "Adrien? Adrien, Kitty, are you okay?" He shakes his head up and down but realized she can't see him and answered, "uh-huh I'm okay princess." She humms and hugs him closer, she could feel him shaking. "Adrien, are you afraid of the dark?"

His face heated up almost instantly with shame. He pressed his forehead against her collarbone to hide the embarrassing expression playing on his features, even though she couldn't already see his face. "Not exactly the dark, more of what's in the dark. Just keep your hand in mine and I'll know I'm still not alone." She lightly squeezes his hand as comfort and stood up. "Mari? Where are you going?!"

She giggled and pulled him to his feet, not letting go of his hands. "Let's go to my room. It has alot of natural light from the moon. Oh! I also have a battery powered nightlight for Manon."

He nodded and held both of her hands, as Marinette led the way to her room. They were going good until a flash of lightning lit up the room and Marinette flinched. As if on cue she jumped backwards at Adrien as a clap of thunder shook the floor underneath them.

Adrien held on to the now scared girl and both led the rest of the way to the bedroom. The room was already lit by the nightlight on Marinette's desk so Adrien sat her down there.

"Okay M,lady, no open curtains tonight; and we're going to build a fort." He looked at her and she was curled up with a saddened expression. "Hey, Mari, are you okay?"

She looked up at him, her expression changed to that of annoyance, and stated bluntly, "I hate mother nature. I was supposed to be the brave one tonight. Dang flabbit~!"she wined out loudly, while he laughed alittle and grabbed her hand.

"For that matter, I think your very brave M,lady. Come on, you'll feel better once we get under the fort. " Slowly, as if debating on it, she gets up, grabs her blanket from her bed, and lays it over top her two desk chairs and desk. She crawls under the blanket, on the floor, and hides inside the fort.

With a chuckle, adrien crawls underneath, next to the pouting bluenette. "I think it was just a passing storm, and a transformer exploded down the block so half of the neighborhood is out of electric."

As if on cue a flash of lightning lit up the room again. "You jinxed it! The storms back!" She shouted as she covered her ears and thunder rolled off the roofs shingles.

Adrien scooted towards the troubled girl and wrapped his arm around her. She was scared of storms, he knew that. But the one thing he wanted to do, was comfort her and make her feel safe. "Do you feel safe with me princess?"

She looked into his eyes as a flash of lightning lit up the room and instantly blushed. Slowly she leaned in and kissed him softly. "I trust you with my life, Kitty; and I always will." His eyes were wide and he was blushing brightly; because this was their first kiss.

He couldn't say anything. It's like he had smoked a  blunt and two joints without any water to drink. He blinked slowly before leaning closer to her face. "I love you so much."

With that, his lips met hers in a passionate and loving kiss. Her eyes were wide with what he said, until she realized Adrien had been kissing her, and she kissed him back with equal amount of passion.

A roar of thunder shook the house again, and Marinette flinched, hiding herself further into the fort. Adrien quickly grabbed her around the waist and held her close to himself, hugging her as comfort.

"I love you too Kitty."

Time skip

Later that night, Sabine went up stairs to check on the two.  What she found, was the two of them, laying in a heap of blankets and pillows under the desk. Their fort now flat on the floor wrapped around the two young adults. Sabine just smiled and pulled the covers over both of them. "Good night you two."

AN: okay did this and the previous chapter over spring break. I hope y'all had a good Easter and got the biggest chocolate bunny ever!😆

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