what if i told you

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Marinette was standing on her balcony, waiting for chat noir to arrive. She was deep in thought; and didn't hear the footsteps on the roof above the balcony. That is until Chat Noir was hanging in front of her upside down.

She jumped with a yelp; and grabbed the guard rail for balance. "Chat noir! (Deep sigh) It's just you."

He raises an eyebrow and feigns hurt. "Meowch, Purr-incess! " just me"?! You sure know how to make an alley cat feel welcome."
She giggles and scratches his chin. "That's not what I meant kitty. You could've been an Akuma or a burglar; and you scared me." He smiles at her and nods.

"Okay, I forgive you, as long as you forgive me." She frowns at him and then lightly squeezes his nose in-between her index finger and middle finger knuckles.  He yelps before she lets go and laughs a bubbly, beautiful laugh. "Of course I do you dork! Why wouldn't I?" She laughs some more and covers her now rosy cheeks; chat just stays stock still with a warm smile, (that also holds confusion), and light pink cheeks.

'Why is she so pretty; and so cute too?!' He thought to himself. As she continued to laugh, Chat examined her features: from her long eyelashes, to her high cheekbones, to her shiny pink lips that nearly reached both ears when she smiled.

When she stopped laughing and realized he was staring, Marinette gave him a questioning look and booped him on the nose. He flinched and blushed a deeper shade of red. "What?!" She grins again. "You were staring?"

He blushes, realizing he had been caught. She reached out her hand with a smile; he took it to climb upright and on his feet. "I'm sorry purr-incess. I just simply noticed how beautiful you are when you are happy." Her face flushes a bright red again; and she becomes a stuttering mess like she's talking to Adrien.

"I-Im not that pretty. Why do you tease me so much Kitty?" He looks confused and puts a hand on her cheek. "I'm not teasing you Marinette. I'm serious, you are beautiful as always."

He starts to lean in a little untill their foreheads touched. Marinette wouldn't move- couldn't move, for that matter. She was too afraid that if she did; she would lean forward instead of backwards, and she just didn't want to risk that. How could she help herself? When chat is being so damn sweet and beautiful; she can hardly hold it in. But he seems so sincere. Maybe it won't do any harm if she just gave him a peck?

Taking a chance, she gently turns his face and places her lips softly against his cheek. "Your lucky I like you."

Suddenly, chats face turns bright red and a rumbling sound emerged from his throat. "P-princess?!" She looks at him and giggles.

"There is someone I'm in love with though. So you got yourself some competition." His blush darkens apon realization that she really does like him like that. "Who is my rival then princess?" He asked, suddenly changing his flustered demeanor into a flirtatious one as he puffs out his chest.

"Adrien. Adrien agreste. He's one of my best friends from school. At first I couldn't stand him, due to a misunderstanding. Now that I know the really sweet, kind, compassionate, and beautiful side of him. I can't even speak normally around him."

By this time chat was breathing deeply and quickly; trying not to have a heart-attack. "W-why don't you try to tell him your feelings? Maybe he'll return them. He is the one you love, you know?"

Suddenly chat saw slight hurt in her eyes. "Oh. Your not going to try to win my heart? You can tell me if you don't feel the same." She dropped her head with a saddened expression.

"I just wanted you to know I like you and I can't talk to Adrien, I just wanted to give you a chance-...!" With one swift motion chat had Marinette in his arms and his lips over hers. It was a sweet but passionate kiss, and Marinette made absolutely no hesitation to kiss him back.

Chat broke the kiss to look into her eyes that were wide and sparkly as though dazed. "W-Whoa." Marinette stated breathlessly with her eyes now half lidded.

Chat smiles flirtatiously and lovingly at the bluenette, only to realize what he just did and he blushed twenty shades of red. "I-I couldn't help myself-uh..." He pulls her into a hug to hide his face in the crook of her neck. "I love you too princess. You don't need to worry about me not liking you, because I'm Adrien Agreste." Slowly he took off his ring, showing his true identity. Marinette  pushed him away quickly and held on to the front of his shirt.

Her face turned from a Sakura hue to a fusia color. "Adrien?! I TOLD YOU I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU! Wellitoldchatilovedyounotadrienyoubutyourotherhalf-!"

With a chuckle Adrien captures her lips in another soft kiss. Honestly it was mainly to quiet her down; but he also loved how she was so warm. "The fact that you can love chat and I as a whole warms my heart. I'm not even sure if ladybug could do that."

He laughs as he pulls her into a hug. Marinette just laughs nervously and rubs the back of her neck. "Actually kitten, about that. What if I told you I was ladybug?"

AN: alright! Cliffhanger!!! I hope y'all hate me!!! XD

Oh! Happy belated Easter😄!!!

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