My lady is very cute!

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AN:they already know each other's identities. 😁 ENJOY!

"Stop saying that Chat!" Ladybug stated sternly, highly frustrated with her partner. She sits criss cross applesauce on the fountains edge, in the park, with a huff. "But it's true. M,lady you are very cute." Looking at him she stared at him with an eyebrow raised. "How long has it been since you've had your eyes checked?" She stated in an unamused tone.

He made a look that showed his annoyance. "M,lady, stop being down on yourself." He walked closer to her and ran his finger from the bridge, down to the button at the end of her nose. "Your precious, cute, beautiful even. My lady."

His warm smile turns mischievous as he lifts ladybug up and off the ground. She squirms for a full thirty seconds before it Dawn's on her that their height differences burden her greatly.

He takes a deep breath and stands in front of the fountain, holding ladybug up proudly. "Hey everyone! Look how cute M,lady is!!!" What little people that were in the park observing the two hero's,  awed and took pictures. Thus making Ladybugs blush intensify.

Time skip

Later that night while checking the ladyblog, Marinette stumbled on several posts involving the occurring events from earlier that afternoon. Pictures of chat holding her up like a child with a huge grin and red covering his cheeks, the captions all reading something along the lines of, "what a cute bug!" Or "How cute! She looks twenty times cuter when she's smiling though 😆", etc.

With a fond smile, Marinette caressed Tikki's cheek before turning off the computer monitor. She let herself get list in thought, reverting back to those few minutes, thinking about how sweet Chat is.

With a giggle, she made her way to her bed. Though she was lost in thought, it didn't take long to notice the green eyes hovering above her bed. "You didn't have to draw attention to me to prove your point, did you?"

The eyes blink mischievously. "Why, I only want my purr-incess to know how much she means to me. I just want to show you to the whole world!" He pounces in front of her, like a cat would, and pulls her close. "Your not mad at me anymore?" He asked with a light pout. She cups his jaw gently and pecks his lips, "I wasn't even mad to begin with chatton. Only frustrated with your antics." She caresses his cheek to which he leans into, purring.

She giggles and pulls him into a loving kiss. It wasn't slow but it wasn't rushed either. Her lips lingered over his for a few more seconds before Tikki's voice was heard from behind Adrien. "I- don't mean to interrupt, but, is anyone aware that it's almost midnight?" "Yes, petite lady, I wouldn't dream of making M,lady tired for tomorrow." Tikki giggled at his nickname for her and nuzzled his cheek before heading to her little bed in the corner of the room. "Do people really think I'm adorable?" Marinette asked with uncertainty in her voice. "Mari my princess, you are paw-sitively kawaii desu!!"

She sits on her bed, making room for him while quirking an eyebrow. "What's kawii?"
He booped her nose before laying down, facing her. "That's for me to know and for you to find out. Good night M,lady. I'll be here all night, my father's out on business and Nathalie went with him."

He kissed her forehead lightly before cuddling into her. She hummed, hugging him closer. "How are you so warm chatton?" He chuckled. "flannel pa-j-js. Night Mari."

"Night Adrien. I love you."

"I love you too, my cute lady."

AN:(Kawaii desu= too cute) I hope you liked this. I'm working on chapters that I got from my fellow readers. I just need patience.💕

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