broken arm

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Marinette walked slowly to first period. She was tired, hungry, and her shoulder to her fingers hurt like hell. She broke her arm yesterday after she fell while running down the stairs. Her backpack was over shoulder as she knocked on the door, needing assistance opening it.

The teacher, Madame Bustier, opened the door and was surprised to see Marinette standing there, with a cast over her arm. "Is this why you were absent yesterday?" Marinette nodded with her head down. "And that's why I'm late."

"Your parents notified me that you had an accident, thank goodness it wasn't anything more serious than this, but if it helps, we're having a free day. You can talk with your peers around you and get on your electronic device."

On the other side of the room, Adrien Agreste was staring wide eyes at his princess. What Happened? Did someone harass her?! Did she get hurt by an Akuma and ladybugs power didn't fix her arm?!

When Marinette made her way up the steps, Adrien turned to her. "Are you okay Mari?" She looked at him with a bright blush, but learned to keep her stutter in check. "Aw this? I've gotten out of worse scrapes then this. Can't think of any right now, but-"

she trailed off as she realized he caught the reference, by the look on his face. "I didn't take you as a Disney nerd princess." He beemed at the bluenette as her blush deepened. "Haha yeah, I guess you could say I'm a fan girl."

Adrien laughed with her as he then realized something he wanted to do. "Before I forget, can I sign your cast?" With that, Marinette's eyes doubled in size. "I'd love you- for you to!!!" She stammered out then cursed to herself for her stutter and slip of the tongue.

Adrien pulled a green marker out of his bag and signed his name right below her thumb and wrote "Cat well soon" and a cat face. Marinette looked at the pun and smirked. "Really? That's terrible!"

As if on cue the bell rang for second period passing. Adrien stood up and took Marinette's bookbag and slung it over his shoulder. "Let me walk with you to second period. We have identical schedules anyway." She smiled brightly, falling into stride with the blonde.

"I really appreciate you walking with me. Thank you so much!" She beemed at him, and Adrien felt his heart soar. Wow, she looks really cute from up close. He thought to himself, but then blushed at the same thought. 'I think she's cute?!'

The next period flew by fast, Adrien helping Marinette in physics, blushing every time their eyes met, or when they answered a question in unison to the teacher. Marinette blushed too, but he figures it's because she's embarrassed by it.

Time skip

At the end of the day, Adrien walked Marinette home. She tried to convince him that he didn't have to, but all he could reply with was: "it's no trouble at all Mari" or "I love helping my best friends out, especially if they're hurt."

She just blushed and stayed silent the majority of the time, only answering his questions with simple answers. "Can I ask an important question though?" She looked up at him, afraid of what that question was.

"How did you break your arm?" She blushed, now totally embarrassed. "It's embarrassing, but, I fell while running down the stairs at home; and it was all because, yet again I was late for school."

She said this with her head down in embarrassment. "It's nothing to be embarrassed by Mari. Whats most important is that your not seriously hurt." He took her gently by the hand that was wrapped in the cast and kissed it, not breaking eye contact with her.

She blushed an even brighter shade of red and held her breath. Was this really happening?! Was Adrien really showing this kind of affection towards her?!

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