bad boy & new girl

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I got this idea the same day I did the face reveal.

Marinette Dupain Cheng was running through the halls trying to get to class on time, but as she turned a corner, she slammed into a tall but slim figure. "I'm so sorry!" She squeaked to the figure as she bent down to pick up the things she dropped. "No it's cool. Are You new? I haven't seen your sweet little face in this school before." Stopping what she was doing, Marinette looks up at her new school mate with a blush and a baffled look. Standing there was a blonde haired green eyed beauty. "I...not im new and haven't been here before!" She rushed out, confused as to why she stuttered. He chuckles and leans against the wall. "Names Adrien. Adrien Agreste." He sticks out his hand for her to take. Hesitating, she puts her hand in his and instantly feels Sparks between them. Instead of shaking it, Adrien pulls her small hand to his lips and placed a kiss to it. "It's a pleasure to meet you m,lady." She pulls her hand back and giggles. "Same go's to you... before I leave, could you possibly help me? I'm kinda lost." He chuckles and nods. "What class? Wouldn't want you to be later than you already are, don't we?" She giggled and shook her head, handing him her schedule. "I have Madam Bustier first...which is also right now." He nods, skimming over her schedule. "Yeah, we have every class together ironically enough." Her eyes widen and she smiles wide. "Then lead on, my new friend." "Friend? You barely know me. Are you sure you'd want to be my friend? I kinda have a reputation. You'll hear about it when you make some 'girlfriends' if that's what girls call it." She giggled and shook her head. "Im a nerd and pretty soft towards everyone, but your helping me out. And you seem really sweet." He stops and stares at the back of her blue pigtails in shock. "You wouldn't hate me if you herd of the things I've done?" "Have you done anything to me?" She asks while turning to face the blonde. " but I've been a "badboy", and I'm the alpha of the halls. Every male in this school fears me, every girl wants me." "Well, an alpha still shows true affection to his omegas." She winks at him and pulls him along by his wrist. "Come on, I'm late!" She laughs whole heartedley, and Adrien can't help but smile warmly at her. She's a dork but, she'll make so many people at this school happy, he can tell. "Your a dork. Y'know?" They slow down their speed and just enjoy this time to get to know one another. "Oh? And why is that?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "You always know what to say, and it's always a silly inspirational quote." She takes a small bow to mock him. "I try my best." They reach the door to their respective class and open it. Madame Bustier stops talking and looks up with a raised eyebrow. "And what excuse do you have this time Mr, Agreste for your tardy?" She demands crossing her arms. "Bluebells here is new, and she was lost. So I showed her to this class. As I'm doing for the rest of the day." The teacher looks down at a blushing Marinette with wide eyes. "I'd say it's a first but, thank you, please take your seat. Hello bluebells. Would you like to tell us your name?" She asked sweetly with a hint of humor used when calling her 'bluebells'. "Um...I am Marinette Dupain Cheng. I'm from a small town in China and...I hope to make more friends." "So I take it you and Mr, Agreste are friends?" With a bright smile she bounces on the balls of her feet and chimes "we sure are!"  Everyone turns their eyes to a lightly blushing Adrien. Nino, Adrien's best bro, grins at the bluenette from his seat. Marinette makes her way up to the steps and walks right past Adrien with a wink while grinning at his blushing face. "So, China?" A brunette smiles at Marinette, catching her attention. "Oh...yeah, Bejing China. I'm Marinette." She reaches out her hand for her to take. "I'm Alya. And how did you become friends with Adrien Agreste? He's usually a jerk." "...You should see him when he's alone." Marinette whispers to her while smiling thoughtfully.

{Time skip- after school}

School has ended and Marinette was making her way outside to meet up with alya so they could walk home together ( since they live so close together). She walked through the doors and made her way to the steps. She walked down the first couple of steps then tripped over Chloe Bourgeois's purse. She yelled and awaited the painful contact with the ground, but it never came. Her face met with a firm chest. Looking up, she realizes that her savior is none other than Adrien. "Hey there sunshine." She giggles and grabs his shoulders to stabilize herself. "Nice of you to drop in, did you make a good trip, see you next fall." He states in the most joyful way possible, only causing Marinette's heart to beat rapidly. "Your a huge dork too!!!" She laughs while blushing. She walks over to Alya who is just standing there grinning. "I see what you mean now. He's infatuated with you." Marinette's face turns bright red again and she sputters at the brunette. "Chi puh!!! As if he would like a nerd like me!" Alya points at the blonde varmint and grins. When Marinette looked up, bluebells met emerald orbs. The tan skinned boy that was standing next to Adrien rolled his eyes and made his way over to Marinette. "I'm Nino, Adrien's wingman." He holds out a folded peice of paper to her. "Call him, the loser likes you." With that he walked away and got in his car. When she looked back at Adrien, he was also gone. She shrugged her shoulders and put the paper in her satchel bag, before walking to Alya to head home.

Part two☺? Tell me what you think. 😀

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