Midnight Endevers

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Not really sure how I got this idea. I'm probably going to just go with the flow😅. Well... enjoy.

It was midnight and Marinette was walking home from an akuma attack. Chat took most of the beatings but he was still worried about her. She chuckled at his kindness. Chat always thought of others before himself. He'd be a great husband and father one day. And for.a second Marinette wondered what it would be like if she were to marry chat and have a family with him. The thought alone confused and flustered the girl, but she still didn't know why she was even thinking about marrying chat let alone dating him.

Then, as if he knew Marinette was thinking about him, chat noir jumped from a building, landing a triple axel in mid air sticking the landing right in front of his princess.

"Good evening princess. Why are you out so late, and by your self?" The black clad cat boy asked with concern laced in his voice. "Oh kitty, it's you...I was just clearing my head so I can actually get to sleep tonight." She lied, obviously chat knew she was but didn't push the subject.

"Well then, may I at least escort you to your palace fair princess?" He bowed for extra effect and looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Well, ok. But only because I really enjoy your company." The sentence made both teens blush and fall into there own thoughts for a few seconds when chat decided to break the silence.

"Um...thank you princess. Not even my lady has admitted that. So I really appreciate it...You truly are amazing." He smiled warmly at her as he said this. The second sentence caught her off guard and kinda hurt, but she shook it off and just hugged him lightly. "Your welcome kitty. Your my knight in shining armor and I should always show that I appreciate you. And so should ladybug. She may not show it or say it but...I think she does appreciate you. "

With that she jingled his Bell and slowly strutted off. Chat stood stunned then caught up to her when he realized she had gotten a bit far away.
"Princess you will be the death of me." He says as his pinky barely touches Marinette's. That's when the bluenette surprised him. She linked her fingers with his.

Compared to his large hands Marinette's hands were tiny and fragile-like. He chuckled and swung there arms as they walked. "Princess...do you really think ladybug appreciates me? I'm not a burden to her?"

Marinette stopped walking with a look on her face that was unreadable. Her hand dropped from chats and she looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes even though she kept a poker face.

"Why the hell would you think your a burden?" She asks rather calmly. He notices the tears in the moon light glistening in her eyes and he instantly feels like he just kicked a kitten.

"I'm sorry princess I just...I didn't mean to upset you-." "UP SET ME?!" She suddenly yells at him. He stumbles backwards. "Chat! Your one of my best friends! Why would you ask that! You've almost lost your life because of me! We've fought together in several different ways, be it with me and you, or you and ladybug! I will always appreciate you! More than you know!"

He stares at her in pure shock. Then it dawned on both of them of what she just said. "M...M,lady?" Chat asks quietly. All Marinette could do was stare in shock thinking of how she was gonna get out of this one.

"Princess...are you my lady?" Well...there is no getting out of this one. She dropped her head as tears began to flow and she nodded slowly as she started to sob.

"Don't hate me. I couldn't handle it. But you can be mad at me for not telling you! I understand if you don't want to talk to me for a while but please don't abandon me!"

She sobbed and wrapped her arms around a star struck chat who just stood there. How could someone so sweet and happy...be so afraid of being left by him. A complete and utter nut who has barely known the Marinette side of her and has flirted with the ladybug side of her.

"Hey... princess... bugaboo...it's gonna be ok. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm surprised that the girl I love is also the girl I absolutely adore but, that just makes it better. Your one in the same. Two halves of a perfect person, My lady."

He released his transformation and pulled her into a tight embrace. " I wanna show you who I am. Just...don't run away this time." Standing back, chat whisper's something, then a bright light engulfs him.

Marinette Shields her eyes and looks away so she won't go blind. When the light fades she sees someone who she never expected to be chat noir. Adrien agreste was standing in front of her with a nervous grin, looking at her. She sat down on the concrete, afraid of passing out and hurting herself, and all Adrien could do was wait for her response.

"Y...your not disappointed...that it was me...are you?" She jumps up upon hearing his statement and looses her footing, causing her to fall forward.

Adrien was right there and caught her just in time. But they were so close that there noses were touching. Marinette couldn't take it anymore, and leaned forward and there lips touched. It may not have been there first kiss, chat may not have remembered the first, but this one still meant something to both of them.

😯this took a lot longer to write than I thought. Ohwell!😆
Hope y'all liked it. I can think of two or three people off the bat who will like this. You know who you are. 😉

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