be yourself

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Marinette was laying in bed. As silence consumed her, she let a stray tear role down the side of her face. She can't go to her parents for help. She sure as hell can't go to her friends for help.

What's wrong? Well, there's a new girl in class, she's an even bigger bully than Chloe ever was. She gets violent. Hurtful with her words. Marientte can't be herself in school because of her.

As a light sob escaped her lips, the balcony door swung open and smacked shut quickly. She didn't look up, she knew it was Chat. Suddenly, strong arms were lifting her up, cradling her and rocking her gently. He didn't say anything, afraid that words would break her already fragile form. So he waited until she was ready.

After she had calmed down, he slowed his rocking. caressing her head, he put a hand under her chin, turning her face so she was looking at him. "Though the rain shall poor, a rainbow is at the end of the storm, my dear." Her eyes widen, a blush dusting her cheeks. With a light and almost inhaudable giggle, she pushed him away, only to be scooped up again. "Struggling is pointless. Should I bring out some biscuits? They would make you feel much butter purr-incess."

She turns to look at him through the corner of her eyes and had an unamused look. "That's not funny." He laughed and hugged her closer. "But your not crying anymore Mari, that's a start."

She leans into his chest, not making eye contact. "Princess? Do you want to tell me what you were crying about?" Silence falls for a few seconds before she breaths out a deep sigh, looking into his eyes.

"...Am I different?" His eyes went wide. "What's wrong with being different? Being different is what makes you, you. You can't spell unique without "u"." He runs his hands down both of her arms soothingly as she started to frown. "Then why is it so easy for her to pick on me? To slam me into a locker? And why doesn't the school do anything about it?!" Chat was baffled. The school let her go through physical bullying, and did nothing about it?! With a heavy sigh he hugs her close. "don't worry Marinette, my dad's going to own a school when we get done with them. And you..." He lifts her chin so their noses we're touching, Marinette held back a blush and Chat smiled warmly.

"Be who you really are, say what you feel, and how certain things make you feel. Those who don't care about you don't matter. The only people who really matter, are the ones who truly believe that your an amazing person. We love you princess. I love you." He kisses her on the forehead and lay her blushing figure on the bed. He tucks her in and winks at her. "Remember, I'm always watching over you, no matter where your at, I'll always protect my princess."

And he was gone. With a new found giddiness, Marinette shed not a single tear for the rest of that night.

The next morning

It was Saturday, meaning, the weekend begins! Marinette slept in till noon; and when she woke up, Tikki wasn't next to her cheek sleeping. When she sat up in bed, there was Chat noir holding a sleeping Tikki, staring at her in astonishment.

He looked up and excited green met terrified blue. "Buggaboo?" He asked quietly as to not wake up the sleeping kwami. Marinette dropped her head and nodded, afraid of what he would do. "Nice to meet you, My,lady." He lifted her head with his free hand and looked at Tikki.

"Can I-?" He asked, referring to the little girl in his paw. Slowly Marinette nodded, to which he acted by nuzzling Tikki's cheek with the pad of his finger. "wake up petite one." Apon hearing a male voice speaking to her, she gasped, jumped up and looked around. When her eyes met Marinettes, she relaxed. "Morning Tikki. Did you sleep well? And Chat now knows who I am, so you can stay out of hiding." Tikki sat on Marinettes shoulder and shrugged. "As long as our secret is safe. I dreamt I was laying on a marshmallow in a cup of hot chocolate."

Chat sat there for a second, dumbfounded by her words. After only two seconds, he burst out laughing. The sound was familiar, and made butterflies erupt in Marinettes tummy. "Adrien?"

He suddenly choked back his laughter. Growing dangerously silent. A lump grew in his throat as she got closer to the cat clad hero. "Please, am I right?" With a nervous smile, he rubs the back of his head. "Claws in plagg." He States, kind of embarrassed. "So your kwami likes sweets? I got stuck with the little fart who like stinky cheese." He States as plagg hovers on to his shoulder.

With wide eyes the cat kwami flies into Adriens face with frustration written on his face. "Excuse mua! This 'little fart' has let you come visit your girlfriend for nights on end; and with no extra pay of cheese!"

"Come on Plagg, let's leave them be." Tikki giggles as she takes him by the paw and pulls him away.

Adrien go's quiet and lowers his head, looking anywhere but at her. "Your probably disappointed that he is me, aren't you?" With that, she burst out with laughter and crawled over to him, hugging him tightly. "Absolutely not, kitty! Your paw-sitively purr-fect! I loaf you!"

With a proud smile, Adrien blushes at her confession. "You loaf me?" He smirks, pulling her closer. Dread fills her and she has an unamused smile on her face, as she pushes him back by the nose. "I'm like- never opening my mouth again. Thank you."

His smile widens and he chuckles. "No purr-oblem bugginette." With that he leans towards her. This time, no resistance is shown from Marinette as he leans towards her and places his lips gently on hers. The kiss lasted a few seconds, only to be broken by Adrien as he trailed kisses across her: cheeks, to her nose, up to her forehead, to her other cheek, and back to her lips, Marinette giggling the entire time. "Kitty, your such a dork!"

He nuzzles her cheek affectionately as he held her close. "Ah, but you love me."

She looks at him feigning annoyance. "Do I? Yeah I guess I do." With a pout he hugs her closer, laying over on his side; and Marinette curled into him. "Thank you. For last night, I mean. I feel alot better knowing that you feel that way about me."

He lifts his head and proposal himself up on his elbow. " What's so special about me?" She quirks an eyebrow. "What the hell do you think? Your my partner, best friend and first love. Your one of the most special things in my life."

She cups his cheek as he looks down douptfully. "Hey, do you remember the day we first met?" He smiled warmly. "How could I forget?" With a giggle she nods. "You showed me kindness, when all I had shown you was hatred. I fell in love with your heart, not your face. Your purr-fect good looks are an added bonus." They both share a laugh as Adrien settles back into the bed. He wraps an arm around her, kicks off his shoes, and gets under the covers with her. "Nap time already? Yes please!" He States. She just laughs and gets a huge grin. "You need a cat nap?" He looks unamused at her but his grin slips past and he nods. "I'll let you by with that. But yes, I am tired. Had an early photoshoot and could use some Z's."

The room grows silent as their breathing fall into sync with the each other.

AN: 1328 word count. Not the longest but it's been a few days since I wrote a really long one. I got this idea as a request by

Thank you all so much for the ideas and requests, I'm working on several different chapters at a time, trying to make it to at least one hundred. Maybe more >:3


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