flop and quilt

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AN: I had this idea at midnight but didn't want to forget it 😅😆😄😂 they do know each other's identities.

Marientte was annoyed. Well, annoyed didn't begin to cover what she was feeling. There was an insistent tapping on her balcony window, and she knew it was Chat. But she swore she wouldn't let him in till she was done with her homework. Homework then boyfriend.

After about fifteen minutes, the tapping subsided. She sighed in relief, then it started again. With a loud groan, she made her way to the balcony window that was above her bed and opened it, letting Chat in.

At first nothing happened, but after three seconds, Chat noir flopped face first from her balcony door and into her bed, curling into the blankets. "So tired!!!" He yelled dramatically.

Marinette stared at him like he grew two heads. When he looked around the room and his eyes met with Marinettes, he smiled warmly. "Hello princess. Can I sleep here tonight?"

She snapped out of her trance and shook her head. "What are you doing here? Dont you have a photoshoot tomorrow?" With innocence written on his features he stated. "Your home is warm. And I'll be back before they notice I'm gone." Slowly she relaxed. Giving him a warm smile. She walked over to her bed, pulled her quilt off the end and handed it to him. She got under her blanket and moved over so he could have room for him and his blanket. "Just no funny business kitty." "Paw-lease, purr-incess, funny is my middle name!" He stated, facing her. She turned over towards him and gave him an unamused look. "That's exactly what I'm saying, no puns for the rest of the night or I'll kick your furry butt."

He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "How do you know what my butt looks like princess? Are you admitting something?" She looked at him with a red face and pressed her palm onto his forehead, pushing him off the bed. "You can get back up in here when you decide to behave. And detransform before you go to sleep, so plagg can lay with Tikki." She giggles at his new position, with his face planted onto the floor and his tail flickering in annoyance. "Alright, you win this round. But  next time I won't be so lenient." When he gets back in bed, she hugs him lightly before turning over onto her back and covering up. "Ninight princess." He States before detransforming. His arm drapes over her lightly in a side hug.

The only sound after that was the light hum of snores coming from Marinette, and the purring of Adrien since he was now warm with his favorite quilt made by Marinette.

AN: it's short like me, but still enjoyable. 😆 Please don't take that the wrong way!😅

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