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I kinda don't like writing this due to my past but I don't like saying no to my friends. I hope you like it. If you don't...don't hate me please.

Marinette yet again was texting Nathaniel. Chat knew it, she always got a grin when she read something she liked, or blushed when he complemented her. Chat hated it. He was pissed, beyond all words. He jumped through the trap door and landed on her bed. She didn't acknowledge him until he waved his hand in front of the phone. "What are you doing?" He asked semi calm, but with anger still there. "Why does it matter?" She asked in a sassy tone. He reached forward and grabbed her wrist. Taking the phone he sees text messages on the screen, just not sure who from. More than likely Nathaniel seeing how she uses the blush emoji alot. "Who are you talking to?" He asked in a demanding tone tightening his grip on her wrist.

Now afraid, Marinette's lip quiver's as she tries to answer the question. "Well?! Who is it?!" He shakes her in a slightly rough manner. "I... it's just......why should I tell you when your getting really mean?! Your scaring me!"

"I wanna know who you've been texting! Your mine, No one else's!" He shakes her again and slams her back on the mattress. He gets up and leans his head back rubbing his face. "Who is he?" He asked, trying to stay calm.

Marinette, now in tears, bawls out. "It's alya! Not a guy! We're talking about my friends! And she was teasing me, That's all!!!"

Completely surprised about her answer and that he had made his princess cry, chat stood there staring at Marinette. Slowly he walks up to her, trying to put a hand on her head, but she slaps it away. "Get out." She mumbles quietly. "Princess...I'm sor-" "I said get out, you overly possessive ferrel cat!" She screams at him.

The words hurt more than her tone, but he didn't blame her. He did just barge into her room jumping to conclusions and got irrational with her.

He reached into his pocket and pulled a letter out, laying it on her bedside table he jumps out of the window.
Marinette looks at the card still quivering. Cautiously she picks it up only to realize it's a love letter.

She jumped up and ran to her window to see if he was still out there, but he wasn't. Closing the window she falls to the floor bawling harder than she has ever cried before. Because she may have just lost her best friend and her partner. There relationship was ruined. Nothing can bring them back together, unless...

AN: haha cliffhanger! This might be a two shot because I don't like the whole violence ending a relationship kinda story so I want to make a happy ending. Well read on, I've written several chapters in one night. Welp....night!😀

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