😂 nino and adrien 😂

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Real title: a light saber battle that just doesn't seem fair.

AN: no romance at all. Adrien and nino are hilarious in this. In this one, nino is Adrien's adopted brother. Their mom is still missing and Nathalie looks after them, even when they're are in a drug induced state where they act extremely silly.

Adrien and nino went to the dentist to get their wisdom teeth removed. On the way home, Nathalie noticed Nino trying to get her to look up from her clipboard.

She grinned at him and answered "yeah nino?" He made two fists and put one on top of the other. "You want to sword fight?" He shakes his head no, and makes buzzing noises with his voice. "You wanna play light sabers?" He nodded with a slurred look on his face.

Adrien tapped him on the shoulder and put his hands in the same formation as Nino's. "Look, Adrien wants to challenge you." She giggled at their silliness and shook her head.

They "battled" for five seconds until Adrien made stabbing motions with his "saber" at Nino's chest. Nino acted as if he died and Adrien stared at him. "You got him. He's dead now."

Adrien fell back into his seat and started crying. "I killed nino." He said with a low sob. "No he's not really dead, don't worry adrien." Adrien looked at Nathalie, "no, he's dead." Nino tapped him on the shoulder and laughed at him stating, "haha, I got you."

Adrien looked away and continued to cry, "I hate you." He stated to Nino. Nathalie just looks at both boys, trying to contain her laughter, as they begin to quietly bicker.

This sure will be one interesting story once they're sober.

AN: got the idea from an "America's funniest home videos" they were twin brothers. I swear that will be me and my twin sister when we get our wisdom teeth removed. 😂😂😂

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