mermaid in the bathtub?

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AN: pretty self explanatory. Got the idea from the pic at the top.

{10:30pm at night}

Marinette was tired. 'Was' being the key word. When she walked further into her apartment, she could here flopping in the bathroom.

Out of curiosity, she walked towards the dark room slowly. Out of fear, she grabbed her Nerf bat out of the corner in the living room.

As she approached the room, with caution, the flopping sound got louder. "Who's in their?" She asked, and the flopping seased and a little high pitched grumble could be heard.

When she turned on the light, her eyes caught those of the little intruder that was in her bathtub. Or what she would describe as, is a little catfish mermaid...thing?"

Her eyes suddenly flashed to pure awe as it blinked at her. "Aww, what are you little fella?" She asked, sitting at the edge of the tub, observing the critter at closer proximity. He tried to get up against the farthest wall away from her but ended up slipping; and he smacked his little head on the floor of the tub.

Out of her caring nature, she reached in and lifted the little critter back up so he was on his belly again, instead of his head. He looked at her for a second before shifting his gaze to the faucet, realizing she wasn't a threat to his existence.

With a warm smile, she noticed what he was looking at. Slowly as to not startle him, she reached for the shower head and took it down, turning on the cool water. It came out of the shower head like a rain; and made him purr in delight.

"You can purr too? Aren't you just the cats meow." She stated in amusement. He looked at her with a cheeky grin before taking a bow, his ears twitching lightly. As the tub began to fill, he started to grow. Going from the size of a baby bass, to just slightly bigger than Marinette, probably because of his gender.

Marientte watched in pure awe as he grew in seconds. He went from as cute as a button, to absolutely beautiful! He stared right at her as he was now bigger and not afraid of her in the least. "Adrien." He said, pointing to himself.

A light blush covers her cheeks before she states slowly, "Mar-IN-Ette." He smiles warmly and takes her hand, pressing his lips to the back of it gently. "Nice to meet you purr-incess."

Her blush intensified as he got closer to her. Staring intensely at her eyes. After a few seconds, she began to see stars, then... memories?" It was his past: the love of a beautiful mother, Plagg, a saltwater catfish was his best friend, the hurt he's experienced, the loss he's endured, the loneliness he felt for long periods of time in a coral reef, the coldness from his father, and being used by mermaids only for his wealth and family name.

He could see her memories too: the warmth of loving parents, a colorful, lively home, a dream to be a designer being fulfilled once graduating college, he also saw her pain, a love that lasted so long but meant almost nothing. The days, weeks and months she spent alone in depression over a one-sided love that never should have happened.

With one swift movement, they both engulfed the other in a warm and tight embrace. Once she let go, she leaned back, only to see that this merman, grew land legs. She looked right into his eyes, not looking anywhere else, as a crimson hue bloomed across her cheeks.

He chuckled nervously and ducked down into the warm water. "This water is the right temperature for me to become human; but I must ask, you wouldn't happen to have any fabrics to cover me would you?" He asked, this in pure innocence and Marinette couldn't help it as she stumbled over her own words.

"I- um...what? Oh! Yes! I may have something I can give you or I can throw something together...I am a designer after all." She stated this with a wink as she grabbed a towel from the utility clauset and threw it at him, him catching it with skill.

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