first kiss

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AN: I'm going to be honest. This is going to be hella short!😆😅 But either way, enjoy.

It was early in the morning, almost time for first period. Marinette had just gotten to school and she was waiting for Adrien to arrive in his brand new car. Surprisingly it wasn't a limo, it was a 5500 Colorado chevy truck with neon green paint and a sticker on the back that says, "You wish you were me."

When he finally arrived he had his speakers blaring Jagged Stone's music. He looked at her with a sweet smile and winked at her, his usual hello when he pulls up in front of her. When he's parked he gets out and waves, making his way over to his girlfriend.

"Hello M,lady, how are you this morning?" He asked, taking her hand and planting a kiss to it. She giggles and cups his cheek lovingly. "Hi Adrien, I'm better now that I can see you."

He looked at her lovingly then had a thought. "Hey Mari, we haven't had our first kiss. Could we-?" He trailed off, pointing to his lips with kitten eyes. With a gasp, bright blush, and nod, she leans up on her tiptoes with her eyes shut and she kisses him...on the nose.

"I'm sorry! I'm nervous with this stuff! And I don't know how to kiss! What if I mess up-!" With that he interrupts her with his lips to hers. His lips linger on hers for a few seconds gently, before he pulls away to look into her eyes.

Once her eyes met his, a blush covers her from head to shoulders and she covers her face. Adrien instantly flusters and looks away to cover his embarrassed expression.

After they gain their composure, Marinette takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "Do you- I don't know- um- wanna t...try again?" She asks in a stammer. He blushes but nods and leans towards her again.

Their lips meet again, but more confidently. After about a minute, Adrien breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against hers. "Wow." He States, slightly dazed by her sparkling eyes. She looks at him right in the eyes, all seriousness, no doupt evident, and states,"I love you."

With that, he is a stuttering, blushing mess again. Marinette just giggles and pulls him into a hug. After a second he laughs joyfully and giddy like. "I love you too!" He States, hugging her back with equal eagerness. After five minutes of just holding each other, the school bell rings, signaling that it's time to get to class.

"May I walk you to class purr-incess?" She quirks an eyebrow and grins. "We have the same classes chatton." He simply laughs and intertwines his fingers with hers.

AN: I love writing these things!!!😄😆😍

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