punk and the nerd

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No heros, no kwami's, sorry not sorry😂😆

Adrien agreste was walking through the schools halls during break, trying to stay out of everybody's way. Kim and Chloe the school bullies had a plan up there sleeve that would humiliate Adrien for months. Chloe stuck her foot out in front of the boys' feet, and Kim grabbed the hood of his hoodie, causing him to fall and get slightly choked by his hoodie. He dropped his stuff and Kim instantly dropped him, or more like threw him down on the floor. "Looks like the nerd needs a body guard! What's wrong agreste? Need your mommy? Oh wait! You don't have your mommy!" That hit Adrien hard. He got up leaving his books on the floor and took off to the roof of the school.

When he got to the stairs he stopped running and just walked sluggishly up the stairs to the roof. When the door opened and he saw the slightly risen sun, the tears overflowed. He sat against a wall and cried for who knows how long. After a few hours he herd a strong but feminine voice.
"Hey. Your that agreste kid right?" He felt the presence sit next to him and he looked up to see a black haired blue eyed beauty, wearing a black belly buster top and cutoff Jean shorts. All he did was nod his head and put his head back in his lap.
"I'm sorry about the queen bee and her minions." She puts an arm around him and gives him a slight squeeze as a hug to comfort him. "I don't know what it's like to not have my mama or papa but no matter where your mama is. She's always with you." He sniffled alittle then looked up at her in Surprise. "How'd you know I don't have my mama here? You probably heard those two didn't you?" She nods and pulls his head so he's laying on her shoulder. "I don't normally do this, so you should feel special." A light blush crosses his face and he smiles. "I'm Marinette, what's your name?" He looks at her with Surprise again. "You don't know my first name?" She shakes her head. "Nah. I'm not really the kind of girl who wants to know everything about a famous model. You seem like a normal human to me." He looks at her and unintentionally says out loud, "your an angel." Now its Marinette's turn to blush. She looks at the floor for a few seconds and tries to get up but Adrien grabs her hand. "Um...don't leave... I won't say anything like that again." She turns to him and wraps her fingers around his hand. "No! No...I've just never been talked to like that before. It's new, and I don't know how to deal with it." He starts laughing and pulls her so she's sitting in front of him. "Let's be friends, Marinette."  She giggles and hugs him with one arm again, before whispering, "I'd love that Adrien."

Ok this was short. And my phone was stolen Thursday so I'll have to get a new phone so I can update through the week at school. So bare with me I hope you liked this. Marinette was one of those caring type of punks. Yes there are those😄. Well...later. 

narutwin101   that's my sissy 😄😆 go check out her books if you like yaoi, naruto and Yuri on ice! And now even Voltron. >:3

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