you mean a whole lot more

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This one shot was inspired by me I guess. You'll find out the ship when that moment comes...or if u saw the pic above 😂 Well enjoy. PS: everyone knows ladybugs and chat noir's identity.

People say you never know true loneliness untill your truly alone. But that's not true. Chloe burgoise, like Adrien, has known this feeling for a long time now. It's senior year, Sabrina has went to study abroad, and Chloe is always by herself. She is now mentally and physically alone. Well, that's what she believes. But what she doesn't know is the boy she has grown to admire, has been watching her from the sidelines. Who is that boy?'ll have to keep reading to find out.

Lunch rolls around, yet, again for Chloe she's alone. That is until a figure walks up to her. "Hey this seat taken?" Says a now more confident Nathaniel standing now way above the highschool girl. He's grown to be at least a head taller than her. "Well?" He grinned as he took in the noticably growing blush on the honey blondes face. "(Scoffs) well, obviously not. Why do you want to know?" She sits up straight and crosses her arms over her chest. "Cause I'm gonna sit there." He sits down and pulls out a metal lunch box opening it to show a lunch packed for two. "What? made lunch for you and for me?" He smiles a sheepish grin before pulling out a PB and J sandwich for him, then a yellow cantin with chicken and dumplings that looked homemade. "D...did you make this?" She asks not even trying to hide the surprise in her voice. Slowly he nods with a blush forming on his face. He clears his throat and stutters a "y...yeah. surprised?" She chuckles. "Completely!" Suddenly she gos into a fit of giggles. She never would have taken the shy redhead for cook. After a few seconds she looks to see a wide eyes Nathaniel staring at her. "What?" He drops his head to hide his blush and softly states "that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." And with that Chloe was now a new Marinette. "W...wha....what are tal-talking about?!" He just chuckles at her, fully aware of the state he put her in. It kinda made him happy. Just knowing he could make a girl act the way Adrien made his girlfriend Marinette. " should know by now that I like you, and there's no questioning that you like me. you wanna be my honey bee?" By now she was a red that put Nathaniel's hair to shame.
"Wait...why would you want to date me anyway?" And just like that, she started. "Do you only want me for my money? Or to get on my dad's good side so he can make you famous?" Furrowing his eyebrows he stands up looking right into her baby blue eyes. "No! There may be men out there that are like that chloe-boe. (a nickname for my bestie who is named Chloe😋) but I'm not like men out there. You mean a whole lot more to me than that" He hesitanly grabs her hand, afraid of a negative reaction. But it never came. As soon as he pulled her into his chest she relaxed into the hug. "I really like you Chloe burgoise, please be my girlfriend?" It took a few seconds to gain the courage to say yes, but when she did, it was a small nod against his shoulder. He chuckles and tightens his hug on her. "I'm glad you said yes."
He kisses the top of her head right before the bell rang, and kids started filling the halls. "Well nath, lunch is over...would you like to sit with me the rest of the day?" He sits down and scoots  towards her and nods before leaning down to her and quickly pecking her on the cheek. "Of course honeybee." He winks at her and sits back up only to notice Adrien, alya, nino, and marinette standing stock still. 
  Both girls started squealing and the two boys walked up to Nathaniel, pulling him into a headlock to give him a noogie or just patted him on the back while laughing (<-nino).

               ~later that day~

Nathaniel ran down the halls looking for Chloe. He wanted to walk her home, and wasn't missing this chance to really prove his feelings.

After circling the halls a few times he finally See's Chloe walking out if the girls restroom.
"Hey chlo, Can I walk you home?"

She stares at him surprised then blushes when nodding.
  While walking home, Nathaniel shows Chloe some of his drawings, they hold hands, which was a new feeling to the both of them. But they liked it. "Hey chlo?" She looks up at him with a slight smile and look of contentment. "Yes?" He looks down at her and she instantly notices his uneasy look and body language. " believe me that...that I do love you?" Her face flushes. " me?! Aren't you moving a bit to fast?" He chuckles softly and grabs her hand. "You have no idea how long I've been watching you, knowing your sad, Chloe...I want you to be happy. And I will make you happy." She drops her head as tears begin to well up in her eyes. Nathaniel, being the sweet tomato he is, pulls Chloe's hand around himself so she will hug him. She didn't hesitate to hug him.

She didn't know what gave her the courage to, but she leaned back from the hug, grabs the now lightly blushing redhead by the shirt collar and pulls him into her. There lips meat and she only leans into him more to put all her love and happiness into the kiss.
Nathaniel was now the color of his hair, but he kissed back after the overall shock disapated. After a few seconds she pulled away. Looking Into his eyes didn't help her blush so she just hid her face in his chest. Nathaniel laughs and grabs her hand again to pull her along the sidewalk to her apartment that wouldn't be as lonely as usual.

AN: ok, this is the longest fanfic I've ever written! 😆 I know the characters are a little ooc but bear 🐻 with me it's my first Chloe and Nathaniel fanfiction​. 😅 But I really hope y'all enjoyed it. Tell me what you think but no hate comments please and thank you.

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