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An: couldn't think of a better title. I wrote this during teen writers day out.


It was a beautiful evening in Paris; Marinette was in an ok mood but she was confused as to why chat was looking at her so strangely during the last akuma attack.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. With a light jolt of fright she turned around to meet the culprit of her scare. With a warm smile she realizes its Chat Noir; who was wearing a very kind smile with many emotions written in his eyes: joy, surprise, and something else. "Bonjour Mon Chatton, how are you tonight?" A giggle was heard from him. "Chat Noir? Are you OK?" He tightened his grip and snuggled into her. "I'm paw-sitivley purr-fect...m,lady." She pulled FM his embrace and looked at him. "What did you just say?" With a grin he takes her hand and presses a kiss to it.

"I'm right...I know I am." A blush cors her face as the words leave his mouth. "How?" He reaches for a stray hair and tucks it behind her ear. "Mari; it doesn't matter were your at be it at: home, school, or fighting akumas, you are so confident. I've only seen you a stuttering mess around my civilian self." He reaches for his ring, taking it off right as she blushes and gasps.

His transformation wears off and he leans towards Mariette and kisses her gently and lovingly on the lips. It wasn't long, but it wasn't short either. It he Marinette plenty of time to react. She shyly reached her hands up to cup his cheeks. He hums lightly before pulling away and leaning his forehead against hers.

He looks at her to see she was crying. "Marinette-?" Before he could ask; she pulled him into a hug. "It really is you! Oh my god I can't believe my wacky walnut of a partner is the boy I've adored since middle school!" His eyes widen; "really; you adore me?" With a blush she nods. "Your so kind to me Adrien, and it was so hard not to fall for your sunshine smile, and your corny puns."

She pushes his hair back and kisses his forehead. " je'taime Mon amor, but we have school tomorrow." He grins widely. "I'll see you then my love." He kisses her once more on the lips and give her hand a light squeeze. "Plagg claws out!" With that he jumps off the balcony; leaving a breathless, blushing mess of Marinette.
She'll be a lot of explaining to do with Alya.

An: well! I hope y'all like this as much as I loved writing it. Love you all and hope to get more requests. Just leave them in the comments. Peace out! X3

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