have a good day.

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Adrien spent the night with his girlfriend Marinette. Both her and her parents are sweet as pie. Which is ironic considering the fact that they live in a bakery.
(Me: oh the irony. (Puts an iron to my face.😂))

It was morning and adrien got Marinette up using a hug as bribery. (I'm n a great mood don't judge me!😂)
They made there way down stairs and gave hugs to tom and Sabine. Yes even adrien gave hugs. Who doesn't like free hugs in the morning?

After a good breakfast and a lighthearted laugh from both girls, due to the boys having a pun-off, the two teens we're smothered in Lovins from the parents and headed off to school.

Before they were out the door Tom stopped them both to give them there snacks that they forgot. Adrien smiled at Tom as he laughed and stated in a warm tone. "Have a good day kids. We love you both."

For some reason Adrien didn't know, but he imagined Tom as a big papa-bear. "Hey Mari?" She turns to him in curiosity and purrs out, "yes kitty?"

He looks hesitant before blurting out. "Your dad reminds me of a teddy bear!" There's a few seconds of silence until Marinette burst with laughter. But this laughter was different. She was snoring and covering her red face all at the same time.

He adorable laugh was contagious and Adrien burst into a fit of his own laughter.  After the settled down marinette looks at him confused now that what he said has sunk in.

"Why a teddy bear?" He good into a fit of giggles and stops walking. He motions to a little kid hugging a stuffed bear and states in a matter of fact tone. "Bears give amazing hugs." Marinette quirks an eyebrow at him. "Oh really? Don't you like my hugs?"

His eyes light up and he grabs her hand. "I love your hugs. Your my baby bear (:3) !" Her eyes go wide and within a few seconds she falls into a fit of giggles. "Your such an adorable dork!"

"I'm like a little kid. I need a few teddy bears for hugs. Your mama is one of those pretty teddy bears that wear a little hat and have colors paws."

He looks at her with a warm smile. She's thinking he can tell by her facial expression. "That's absolutely adorable Adrien. You know that right?"

He smiles, letting out a chuckle. "I love you too baby bear." She looks at him in question. "Is that gonna be a thing?" He shakes his head up and down enthusiastically to make his point.

She giggles and grabs his hand, walking the rest of the length to the school. Alya and nino standing there wondering what they were doing standing at the end of the Street laughing and smiling stupidly at each other.

Marinette walks up to them and the first thing she says to alya was, "hey alya I'm a baby bear I give hugs!" Followed by a wide smile and holding her arms out for alya to embrace her.

Instantly complying, alya wraps her arms around Marinette's sides in a tight hug. "Glad you two had a good night. What's with the baby bear thing?" Marinette and adrien both look at each other then turn to alya and nino, stating simply in unison, "Hugs."

Alya and nino look at each other for a second and start to laugh. Yup, guess only they will understand. That is until Marinette tells Tom and Sabine. Which, they find it adorable, and they understand adrien's way of thinking.

Marinette's parent explained to her why he thinks that way, and she instantly felt really special. "She was so happy that night that when he came to visit she tackled him into a warm and tight hug.

He was surprised at first by the sudden burst of excitement, considering he's been visiting her for almost six months now. But after a few seconds of gathering himself he hugged her back lightly chuckling. "Yup. Just like a baby bear plushie." She looks up at him and smiles so wide she has to close her eyes.

The nickname is still used in the family. Adrien is now a papa bear and Marinette is the mama bear. There three baby bears running around so they go by sissy bear, bubby bear, bubby bug. One big happy family.

AN: Well....that took longer than I thought to write. I started at 3:25 and it's now 4:32 you do the math. 😂😅

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